Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2000
EXPLORING THE SOCIAL IMPACT OF RELIGIONS Hong Kong's colonial experience makes it culturally uni q ue —— it is a Chinese society with heavy Western influences. The juxtaposition and amalgamation of two different sets of cultural and ethical values are subjects of exploration for those trying to understand the developments of the Christian and Catholic churches and Taoism in the territory. Influence and Contribution of Christianity Hong Kong was colonized by a Protestant country for one and a half centuries. Many of its governors and important officials were Christians. Through them Christianity made its impact felt in all aspects of local life. Yet few scholars in the past chose to explore the role of Christianity in the interaction of Chinese an d Western cultures. The Department of Religion at the University has over the last decade been involved in vigorous research into the development and influences of Christianity in Hong Kong. Projects includ e the history of Christianity and missology; Christian attitudes towards society, politics, and poverty; the response of the Christian church towards the reversion of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty i n 1997; and church participation in Hong Kong's labour movement. C hung Chi Chapel CHINES E UNIVERSIT Y BULLETI N Autumn Winter 2000 18
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