Bulletin Number One 1983
Twen t y - Fou r th Congregat ion The Twenty-fourth Congregation, held on 9th December, 1982, was a special occasion on three counts : it was the first Congregation presided over by the new Chancellor, Sir Edward Youde; for the first time an honorary degree was awarded to a scholar in Mainland China, Professor Hua Luogeng; the University conferred its first Ph.D. degree. At the Congregation, which was attended by over 4,000 guests, Sir Edward Youd e conferred four honorary degrees, one Ph.D. degree and 1,242 Master's and Bachelor's degrees. The honorary doctorates conferred on four distinguished persons were : Doctor of Laws, honoris causa , on the Rt. Hon. Lord Todd of Trumpington, a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry; Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa, on Mr. Ho Tim, a local banker, and on Professor Hsing Mo-huan, an economist; and Doctor of Science, honoris causa , on Professor Hua Luogeng, a mathematician. Unfortunately, Professor Hua was unable to come for the conferment of the degree in person for health reasons. The Public Orator was Professor T.C. Chen, Professor of Electronics and Computer Science and Head of United College. Professor Hsin g Mo-huan addressed the Congregation on behalf of the honorary graduates. The recipient of the first Ph.D. degree was Mr. Kwong Chung Ping of the Electronics Division. A breakdown o f the 1,242 Master's and Bachelor's degrees is as follows: 39 Masters of Philosophy, 77 Masters of Business Administration, 2 Masters of Social Work, 16 Masters of Arts(Education), 2 Masters of Divinity, 259 Bachelors o f Arts, 241 Bachelors of Business Administration, 293 Bachelors of Science and 313 Bachelors of Social Science. This was to be the last time that honorar y degrees and other degrees are conferred at the same time.
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