Bulletin Number Two 1982
Council Appointments The University has been fortunate in having the sustained service and support of many prominent local community leaders since its establishment i n 1963. Among them are the following notabl e Council members who have agreed t o take on heavier responsibilities in providing leadership and guidance for the University. Sir Yuet-keung Kan, GBE , BA , LLD , JP, retired from his office as Council Chairman effective from 24th October, 1982 after eleven years of distinguished service. Sir Yuet-keung's association with the University began in the early fifties when , together with the late Sir John Keswick and Mr. David Au, he prepared a draft constitution of Chung Chi College. Subsequently he served on the Board of Governors of Chung Chi College first as member (1961-64) and later as Chairman (1964-68). He was appointe d a University Council member in 1964 and became Council Chairman in 1971. Under Sir Yuet-keung's chairmanship, the University saw unprecedented change and expansion: a unified University campu s came into being; the University underwen t a major reorganization; staff, student s and academic programmes multiplied, notably with the addition of the Faculties of Business Administration and Medicine. The University wil l continue to have his invaluable advice and guidance in his very important capacities as the first Pro-Chancellor of the University and Life Member of the Council . In succession to Sir Yuet-keung , Dr. Lee Quo-wei, CBE, LLD, JP, has been appointed by His Excellency the Chancello r as Chairman of the Council and the Hon. Lydia Dunn, OBE , BS, JP, has been appointed by the University Council as the new Treasurer of the University. DR. LEE QUO-WEI THE NEW COUNCIL CHAIRMAN Dr. Lee Quo-wei has been appointed Chairman of the University Council by His Excellency the Chancellor, with effect from 24th October, 1982 , in succession to Sir Yuet-keung Kan. A leading local banker,' Dr. Lee figures prominently among those whose initiative, determination and entrepreneurial efforts have contributed towards the economic progress and prosperity of Hong Kong in the post-war years. Born in 1918 , Dr. Lee was educated in Hong Kong. He joined the Hang Seng Bank Ltd. soon after the Second World War and is now a Vice-Chairman and the General Manager. Serving on the boards of directors of a number of major local companies, Dr. Lee is involved in a wide spectrum of business activities. On e of his latest appointments, for instance, is as the first Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cable and Wireles s (H.K.) Ltd., which was set up in 1981. His record of public service is equally distinguished. A Legislative Councillor (1968-78) and an Executive Councillor (1976-78), Dr. Lee has served as Chairman and member o f numerous public bodies in the areas of banking, commerce, education and health. His concern for and contributions towards educational development in Hong Kong place him on the Council and other major committees of this University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic. He is also a member of the Court of University of Hong Kong. In 1976 he was appointed Chairmn of the Board of Education o f the Hong Kong Government and in 1981 was also made a special adviser to the International Panel of Educators, who were invited NEWS 1
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