Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1980

Lectures • Seminars * Professor Chi-yun Chen o f the University of California gave a lecture on "Further remarks on intellectuals in the Chinese tradition" (in Chinese) on 3rd September, 1980. * Professor Zhu Dexi , Deputy Chairman of the Department o f Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing University, China, delivered two lectures entitled "Bamboo slips and silk manuscripts of Ch'in and early Han Dynasties unearthed in China during the Seventies" and "Self-designation and transfer- designation— two different types o f nominalization in Mandarin Chinese" on 9th and 11th September, 1980 , respectively, at the invitation o f the Chinese Language and Literature Department and the Chinese Language Research Centre. * Madame Marie-Claire Bergère o f the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, gave two lectures (in English) entitled “ Some perspectives of the post-Maoist evolution of the Chinese socio-politi cal system” and "The rise and fa ll of the modern Chinese bourgeoisie (in the 20th century)" on 7th and 9th October, 1980, respectively. The former lecture was sponsored by the International Asian Studies Programme, and the latter, the Institute of Chinese Studies. * The Department of Biochemistry organized a seminar on Chromatography on 3rd October, 1980. The Seminar included four lectures, given by speakers from the Institute of Biochemistry, BiomedicalCentre, University o f Uppsala, Sweden, asfollows: "Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography" by Professor Stellen Hjertén “ Isoelectric Focusing" by Professor Jan-Christer Janson “ New Possibilities of Ion Pair Chromatography" by Professor Göran Schill "Metal Chelate A ffin ity Chromatography" by Pro fessor Jerker Porath * The Social Research Centre and the Interna tional Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, jo in tly sponsored a regional (Asia) research seminar on urban services on 2nd to 5th, November, 1980. Eight delegates from Canada,China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, and the Philippines attended the Seminar apart from staff o f the University. * A delegation from the AmericanNuclear Society took part in two panel discussions on nuclear power on 21st October, 1980 at the University. Topics of the two discussions were: "New Ways for Power Development", and "Nuclear Power Planning and the Environment". The delegation was made up o f officers of the Society, directors o f internationallaboratories, leading nuclear power experts and professors. * Professor Shing-Tung Yau of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton gave apublic lecture on 'Mathematics and Its Education' at Chung Chi College on 13th December, 1980. * Professor Zhou Ru-Chang, Feng Qi-Yong and Chen Yu-Pi, ‘Redologist' from China, conducted a Seminar on The Dream o f the Red Chamber at the University on 3rd July, 1980 after attending the ‘First International Workshop on The Dream o f the Red Chamber, held at the University o f Wisconsin, U.S.A. The Seminar was conducted in three parts: (1) reflections on the First International Workshop on The Dream o f the Red Chamber., (2) report on the situation of ‘Redology’ research and publication in China to-day; and (3) discussion on the future trend of development of ‘Redology' . 42