Bulletin Autumn 1976

The whole project proceeds in two stages. The work of the first stage concentrates on (1) and (2) listed above and is scheduled to be concluded in late 1977. In addition to the above summarized research projects which are being undertaken, new projects proposed for consideration include (a) Factor Intensity and Pattern on Trade: Hong Kong, (b) A Case Study of Eastern Retail Behaviour in Hong Kong and Macau, (c) International Inflation under Alternative Exchange Rate Systems , and (d) The Political Economy of Maoism. The participants of all research projects are primarily members of the Board of Studies in Economics, while graduate and undergraduate students have also been encouraged t o take part as part-time research assistants. This in no way affects normal teaching and learning. In fact, the efforts to involve both teachers and students in these research projects are exactly in line wit h the University's policy of integrating teaching and research so that the one can complement the other. With the Board of Studies in Economics growing in size in the next triennium, it is believed that the Economic Research Centre will emerge as an important workshop for both teachers and students. Looking ahead, the Centre's research policy will continue to emphasize scientific analysis of practical problems relating to this part of the world and, in particular, those having direct bearing upon the Hong Kong economy. Discussion session at Economic Research Centre Personalia I. Appointments Academic Staff Faculty of Arts Professor Liu Tsun-yan Visiting Professor of Chinese Studies, New Asia Professor W. T. Marrocco Visiting Professor of Music, Chung Chi Professor Hideo Nishioka Visiting Professor of Japanese Studies, Chung Chi Dr. John R. Bennett Lecturer in English, New Asia Mr. Louis L. S. Chen Part-time Lecturer in Music, Chung Chi Dr. Cheung Yat-shing Lecturer in English, United Mr. Cheung Yee Part-time Lecturer in Fine Arts, New Asia The Rev. Chow Tin-wo Lecturer in Theology, Chung Chi Dr. Dirk Dethlefsen Lecturer in German Studies, United Dr. David W. Faure Temporary Lecturer in History, New Asia Dr. Gaylord Leung Lecturer in Chinese, Chung Chi Mr. Lin Shou-chin Lecturer in History, Chung Chi Dr. Liu Chang-yuan Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy, New Asia Dr. Thomas Yuntong Luk Temporary Lecturer in English, New Asia