Bulletin Number Five 1985
2. ‘Music of the Silk and Bamboo Ensemble' on 28th November. — A Lute Recital by Professor Konard Jungh ä nel of the State High School of Music in Cologne, West Germany , on 4th December. — A Vocal Recital by Ms. Anne Cheng, accompanied by Ms. Marilyn Watson on 5th December. * The University library and the Oxford University Press (OUP) of Hong Kong jointly sponsored an 'Exhibition of Paperback Books' by the OUP from 16th to 26th September. Over 300 titles on various subjects were on display. 1985 is the International Youth Year and the University library held a ‘Book Exhibition on Youth' from 1st to 15th October. There were about 200 volumes of books on display. * The first Staff Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department, jointly presented by the Department of Fine Arts and the Art Gallery, was held at the Art Gallery from 21st September to 3rd October. The Exhibition featured some sixty items, including sculptures, wood-engraving, calligraphy, Chinese paintings, oil paintings and sketches, all of which are recent works by the Department's staff. * An Exhibition on 'Recent Acquisitions' was staged at the Art Gallery from 11th October to 24th November. The Exhibition featured new items of Chinese antiques which the Art Gallery received as gifts or purchased in the last two years. These included ceremics from Jingdezhen and other well-known kilns, Ming paintings, and Warring States to Yuan bronze seals. Also on display were selections from the Art Gallery's permanent collection, such as oracle bones, jade flowers, rubbings, polychrome wares and paint- ings by Guangdong artists. Personali a (From 16th July to 15th November, 1985) I. Appointments/Election Professor Lin Tzong Biau Head, New Asia College Professor Thomas C.W. Mak Dean, Faculty of Science Professor Rance P.L. Lee Director, Office of Part-time Degree Studies Dr. Ho Hsiu Hwang Director of General Education Professor Y.W. Lam Chairman, Science Centre Management Committee Dr. John Minford Director, Research Centre for Translation Professor S.T. Chang Director, Institute of Science & Technology and Director, Marine Science Laboratory Dr. Norman Y.S. Woo Associate Director, Marine Science Laboratory Dr. Chan Kwong Yu Director, Research Laboratory for Food Protein Production Dr. Chang Hson Mou Honorary Director , Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre Dr. Ng Lee-ming Admissions Tutor, Faculty of Art s Dr. Nyaw Mee Kau Admissions Tutor, Faculty of Business Administratio Professor G.H. Choa Admissions Tutor, Faculty of Medicine Dr. Kenneth Young Admissions Tutor, Faculty of Science Dr. WongYueChim Admissions Tutor, Faculty of Social Science Academic Staff Faculty of Arts Professor Richard Henshaw Visiting Professor of Religion Professor Earl Miner Visiting Professor of English *Dr. Chan Sin Wai Lecturer in Translation *Dr. Mark Lindley Lecturer in Music Dr. Greta Jean Olson Lecturer in Music Dr. Marguerite Ann Snow Visiting Lecturer in English *Part-time Degree Programme teacher 42 PERSONALIA
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