Bulletin Number Five 1985
Seminars Concerts • Exhibi t ions * The Japanese Studies Section organized th e following lectures/seminars by Professor Bian Liqiang , Associate Director of Asian and African Research Institute, Peking University: —'My Personal Experience in Japanese-Chinese Translation' on 1st October. —'The Present Situation of Japanese Language Education and Japanese Studies in Mainland China' on 2nd October. —' An Overseas Chinese Novelist in Japan — Chen Shunchen and His Works' on 4th October. * New Asia College presented the 1985 Ch'ien Mu Lectures in History and Culture b y Professor Yang Liensheng, Professor Emeritus of Harvard University. Professor Yang spoke on 'The Significance of Three Related Concepts, Pa ò ,Pao, Pao, in Chinese Culture: (1) Pa ò (reciprocate, retribution) on 2nd October; (2) Pao (guarantee, security) on 4th October; (3) Pao (contract, responsibility) on 7th October. * The Department of Chemistry and Hong Kong Chemical Society jointly presented the following seminars: —‘High Reactivity on Arsonium Ylides’ by Professor Huang Yaozeng, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Shanghai, on 4th October. —‘Novel Cycloaddition Reactions between Disilacyclobutenes and Conjugated Dienes Mediated by Metal Carbonyls' by Professor C.S. Liu, Professor of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, on 11th October. * The Department of Psychiatry organize d a series of lectures by staff members of the Neuropsychiatric Institute, University of California , Los Angeles: —‘Post-traumatic Stress Disorders' by Professor Louis Jolyn West, Professor of Psychiatry and Chairman of the Department of Bio- behavioural Sciences, on 4th October; —‘Psychotherapy in the Western United States' by Professor Joe Yamamoto, Professor of Psychiatry, on 4th October; —‘Family Therapy of Schizophrenia' by Dr. Kathryn West, Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor, on 4th October; —‘Psychiatric Aspects of Coronary Disease in the USA' by Professor Robert O. Pasnau , Professor of Psychiatry, Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital, on 14th November. * Dr. Clark Kerr, President Emeritu s of the University of California, Director of the Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley, and an overseas Council Member of this University, gave a public lecture on 'American Economy' on 15th October. The lecture was presented by the Department of Economics. * At a seminar organized by the Department of General Business Management and Personnel Management on 28th October, Professor John Child , Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Director of Work Organization Research Centre, University of Aston, UK, spoke on ‘New Technology and Changing Role of Higher White-Collar Workers'. * The Department of Journalism and Communication and the Goethe-Institut jointly organized a seminar on 'Educational Technology'. The seminar was conducted by Dr. Wolfgang Brudny, Deputy Director, National Filmboard for Production of Educational Media, Federal Republic of Germany, from 30th to 31st October. * Professor Douwe Fokkema of the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, gave a lecture on 'Canon in Literature' on 2nd November, at the invitation of the Comparative literature Research Unit of the English Department. * The Department of Physics organized the following seminars: - ' Amo r phous Semiconductor Superlattices' by Professor Chen Kunji , Associate Professor in Physics of Nanjing University, on 5th November; —'Supersymmetry in Quantum Mechanics' by Professor Richard W. Haymaker, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, USA, on 3rd December; —'Condensed Matter Physics in Perspective' by Professor Feng Tuan, Professor of Physics of Nanjing University and Director of the Solid-state Physics Research Institute, on 5th December; —'Introduction to Quantized Hall Effect' by Professor Li Huazhong, Department of ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS 39
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