Bulletin Number Five 1985
Studen t Enrolmen t 1985-86 In 1985-86 the University sees an across-the-board increase in student enrolment. Full-time undergraduate enrolment grows from 5,001 to 5,248, part-time undergraduate from 372 to 442 and postgraduate from 1,177 to 1,300. With its fifth intake of students, the Faculty of Medicine is operating in full swing, and the total enrolment has increased from 321 to 412. Among all the teaching departments, the Department of Accounting and Finance has the biggest student number amounting to 331 , followed by the Department of General Business Management and Personnel Management, with an enrolment of 305. In response to Government's request, the enrolment of the part-time Diploma in Education Programme of the School of Education has a significant increase from 522 to 603. This, together with the increase in the enrolment of the full-time Master of Philosophy programmes and the part-time Master of Arts programmes, accounts for most of the growth in student enrolment in the postgraduate programmes. I. Undergraduates 5,690 Full-time Programmes 5,248 Faculty of Arts 1,052 Chinese Language & literature 261 English 258 Fine Arts 72 History 243 Music 60 Philosophy 87 Religion 65 Faculty of Business Administration 917 Accounting & Finance 331 General Business Management & Personnel Management 305 Marketing & International Business 281 Faculty of Medicine 412 Faculty of Science 1,547 Biochemistry 102 Biology 184 Chemistry 218 Computer Science 197 Electronics 255 Mathematics 183 Physics 241 Potential Medical Major 86 Statistics 81 Faculty of Social Science 1 , 320 Anthropology 47 Economics 250 Geography 173 Government & Public Administration 155 Journalism & Communication 126 Psychology 79 Social Work 283 Sociology 207 Part-time Programmes 442 Chinese & English 127 Music 42 Business Administration 129 Social Work 144 II. Postgraduates 1,300 PhD (Full-time) 17 (Part-time) 16 MA (Full-time) 1 (Part-time) 33 MA (Ed) (Full-time) 2 (Part-time) 45 DipEd (Full-time) 119 (Part-time) 603 MBA 2-year (Full-time) 73 Marketing & International Business (Full-time) 10 3-year (Part-time) 152 MDiv (Full-time) 7 MPM (Full-time) 184 (Part-time) 6 MSW 2-year (Full-time) 7 3-year (Part-time) 6 DipSW (part-time) 19 Grand Total: 6,990 38 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS
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