Bulletin Number Five 1984

Seminars • Concerts • Exhibitions * Professor Johan Korkisch o f the University o f Vienna spoke on ‘Separation o f Metals by Combined Ion Exchange-Solvent Extraction' on 17th September. The Seminar was organized by the Department o f Chemistry. * The Institute o f Chinese Studies presented the following lectures: — ‘Recent Developments in the Study o f L i Bai, the Tang Poet' by Professor Chan Ying o f the Chinese Department o f Hebei Univer sity. — 'Prehistoric Taiwan' by Professor Sung Wen-hsun, Anthropology Department o f National Taiwan University on 26th Novem ber. * The Department o f Chemistry and the Hong Kong Chemical Society co-sponsored the following lectures by members o f the Guangdong Provincial Chemical Society Delegation on 21st September: — 'Convolution and Deconvolution Voltam metry' by Professor Mo Jinyuan o f the Department o f Chemistry, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou. — ‘Membrane Chemistry' by Mr. Lin Ruqun o f the Department o f Chemistry, Jinan University, Guangzhou. * The School o f Education and the Goethe- Institut, Hong Kong jo in tly organized a one-day Conference on ‘The Application o f Microcomputer in the School' on 22nd September. An exhibition o f books on computer and computer education, spon­ sored by L'NL Promotions Co. Ltd, was also staged the same day. * The A rt Gallery and the Centre for Chinese Archaeology and A rt o f the University jo in tly organized a two-session seminar on 'Pre-Qin Archae ology in Guangdong' on 24th September. Speakers included local scholars and scholars from Guangdong Province. * Dr. Colin B. Mackay from the Association o f Universities and Colleges o f Canada gave a public lecture on ‘Universities in Canada: Patterns and Trends' on 26th September. * The Department o f Economics presented: 一 a lecture on 'Problems in Reforming the Labour System and Wage System in China' by Professor Wang Jing o f Zhongshan University on 27th September. — a seminar on 'The Dutch Disease — Is It Contagious ?', conducted by Professor H.J. Duller o f the University o f Leiden, Holland on 28th September. Professor Duller was the second visiting scholar under the ‘New Asia Ming-Yu Research and Visiting Programme'. - a public lecture, in conjunction w ith the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies, on 'Depression and Revival in Sichuan's Agri culture' by Professor Andry Donnithorne of The Australian National University on 12th October. ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS 27