Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1979
International Symposium on Sino-Japanese Cultural Interchange The Institute of Chinese Studies organized a Symposium on Sino-Japanese Cultural Interchange from 18th to 21st December, 1979. Over sixty scholars in Sino-Japanese Studies from Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia, U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom and France attended the Symposium to discuss the influence of the Chinese and Japanese cultures on each other from the earliest times to the first decades of the twentieth century. Dr. M a Lin, the Vice-Chancellor, welcomed the participants of the Symposium at the Opening Ceremony, and Dr. Chingho A. Chen, Convener of the Organizing Committee and Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies, also delivered the opening and closing addresses. Dr. Chen pointed out: 'Since its establishment in 1967 , the Institute of Chinese Studies of this University has chosen as one of its research subjects "The relationship between China and her neighbouring countries." We have paid special attention to the economic and cultural contacts between China and Japan, in considera of the position occupied by Hong Kong in the international community of the Far East, and of its strong tie, both economically and culturally with China and Japan.' N o w that Sino-Japanese
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