Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2005

Research New s Research Grants Totalling HK$40 million for 52 Projects G rants totalling some HK$40 million from various local and overseas sponsors for projects undertaken by C U HK researchers were recorded d u r i ng the period August to December 2005: Sponsors Amount involved* Number of Projects Supported Asia-Pacific: Educational Policy Research Initiative/ Korean Educational Development Institute US$30,000 1 Council for the AIDS Trust Fund 7,590,000 1 Ferring Pharmaceuticals limited 100,000 1 Fogarty International Centre US$20,000 1 Ford Foundation US$70,900 1 France/Hong Kong joint Research Scheme 67,750 3 Germany/Hong Kong joint Research Scheme 75,400 3 Health and Health Services Research Fund 1,912,064 5 Health Care and Promotion Fund 899,099 3 Hong Kong Arts Development Council 300, 000 1 Hong Kong Lung Foundation 30,000 1 Hang Kong Obstetrical and Gynaecological Trust Fund 55,000 2 Incentive Scheme for Developing Instructional Software 308,000 2 Innovation and Technology Fund 5,000,000 1 National lnstitutes of Health, US US$597,400 2 National Patients Safety Research Programme. UK £10,000 1 NSFC/RCC Joint Research Scheme 1,176,900 2 Occupational Safety and Health Council 259,785 1 Pneumoconiosis Compensation Fund Board 673,389 1 Quality Education Fund 8,202,700 5 Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases 6,829,190 10 The Bupa Foundation Specialist Research Grants 2005 themed 'Health and Care of Older People' £12,260 1 The Department of Education and Youth of Macau SAR 239,000 1 The Hong Kong Society of Gastroenterology 800,000 2 • Amount involved isin Hong Kong dollars unless specified. RGC Research Grants for 2005-2006 A total of 169 research proposals submitted by academic and research staff of the University have been awarded earmarked grants totalling HK$98.18 m i l l i on from the Research Grants Council (RGC) this year The University also received a direct allocation of HK$14.01 million to finance small projects. For 2005-6, the government has made available some HK$404 million for selected research proposals submitted by academic a nd research personnel in the UGC-funded tertiary institutions, and HK$ 65 million for direct allocation to the institutions to finance small projects, The 169 C U H K projects selected for earmarked grants fall into four subject disciplines biology and medicine (51) ; engineering (34 ); physical sciences (27); and thehumanities,socialsciencesandbusinessstudies(57). Research News 4 5