Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2005
The 62nd Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees T he 62nd Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees was held on 8th December 2005. Dr. Donald Tsang, Chancellor of the University, presided at the ceremony. A Total of 5,204 degrees w e r e c o n f e r r ed at the congregation. This year, honorary doctorates were conferred on six distinguished persons in recognition of their outstanding contributions to academic and c u l t u r al advancement, socioeconomic progress, the promotion of the well-being of people, peaceful a nd steady evolvement of the community, and the development of the University. They are Dr. Cheng Hoi-chuen, Vincent, distinguished banker and chairman of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation L t d . ; Prof. K i n g Yeo-chi, Ambrose, renowned sociologist and former vice-chancellor of the University; Prof. L i Yihyuan, f amo us a n t h r o p o l o g i s t, an academician of Academia Sinica i Taiwan and chairman of the Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange; Dr. Lien Chan, a statesman of eminence and honorary chairman of the K u om i n t a n g; Dr. Richard J. Roberts, eminent molecular biologist and Nobel l a u r e a te i n p h y s i o l o gy or medicine in 1993; and Dr. Wang Daohan, a most respected senior statesman and president of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait. Prof. Amb r o se K i n g, Dr. Lien Chan and Dr. Wang Daohan were conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. Dr. Richard J. Roberts received the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa. Dr. Vincent Cheng and Prof. Li Yihyuan were each awarded the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa. Their citations were written and delivered by Prof. D a v id Parker, Prof. Serena Jin and Prof. Samuel Cheung. Prof. Ambrose K i ng addressed the graduates. Prof. Li Yihyuan and Dr. Wang Daohan were not able to attend the ceremony due to personal reasons. I n the afternoon, the four c o n s t i t u e nt c o l l e g es h e l d graduation ceremonies for their students. 2 2 Chinese University Bulletin Autumn • Winter 2005
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