Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1998
NewBuilding s on the Horizo n I n response to heavy demands o n space a nd facilities b r o u g ht about by increased academic a nd research activities o n campus, the Un i v e r s i ty has embarked on m a n y construction projects: the Shanghai Fraternity Association Research Services Centre was officially opened i n January 1998, construction w o r k for the M o n g M a n Wai B u i l d i ng is scheduled for completion w i t h i n this year, w o r k o n the superstructure of the C h u ng C h i College Teaching Comp l ex Phase V is about to begin, w h i le the b l u e p r i nt for the School of Public He a l th B u i l d i ng has just been finalized. Shanghai Fraternity Association Research Services Centre The Shanghai Fraternity Association Research Services Centre was officially opened on 10th January. Officiating at the opening ceremony were Dr. Lee Hon-chiu, chairman of the University Council, Mr. Lee Woo-sing, chairman of the Shanghai Fraternity Association (HK) Ltd., and Prof. A r t h ur K.C. Li, vice-chancellor of the University. Dr. Lee and Prof. L i thanked the Shanghai Fraternity Association for its staunch support to the University's academic and research activities, wh i le Mr. Lee stressed the significance of the centre in p r omo t i ng science and technology i n H o ng Ko ng and called for greater support f r om different quarters for related research. The five-storey centre w i t h a total floor area of 4,600 square metres was built w i t h government funds and a generous donation f r om the Shanghai Fraternity Association (HK) Ltd. It houses a laboratory animal services centre, a technical services unit, and laboratories w i t h state-of-the-art facilities. The Faculties of Medicine, Engineering, and Science as we ll as other research units w i l l benefit f r om the comprehensive research support services it offers; genetic, cancer and i mmu n o l o gy research w i l l also receive a great boost. A relatively remotepart of thecampus is chosenfor thesiteof theLaboratory Animal ServicesCentreto minimize chances of pollution. Its walls arepainted mainly in beigeand white to harmonize with the surrounding greenery. Chinese University Bulletin Spring • Summer 1998 16
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