Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1996
the quest for excellence -students'version Prestigious Rhodes Scholarship Goes t o CUH K Student Jack Wong Chak-kei, final-year engineering s t u d e n t ma j o r i ng i n e l e c t r o n ic engineering, has been chosen as the Hong Kong Rhodes Scholar-elec t for 1996. He expects to further his studies in control engineering at Oxford University for two years from October 1996. The Rhode s Sc h o l a r s h i p was established under the wil l o f Sir Cecil Rhodes i n 1902 and selected Rhodes Scholars are expected to posses high intellectual merit, outstanding scholastic attainment, pleasant personality, and physical vigour. It represents one of the highest achievements of young scholars the wo r l d over. The scholarship was originally designed for students from the Commonwealth countries , the United States, and Germany. Since 1985, Hong Kong has been included in th e scheme and one local student has been honoured as Rhodes Scholar each year. BA Students Prove Thei r Mettle Students from the Faculty of Business Administration had a taste of the trials and rewards of the wo r l d of business and marketing at two recent competitions. • At the Citibank inter-university marketing strategy competition held in January 1996, two students from the Bachelor of Business Administration Programme —Ve n us Ho Wing-yan and Iren e Tang Hoi-yan, represented CUHK and wa l k ed of f w i t h the championship after defeating teams from five other universities. The competition was held i n two rounds. In the first round, contesting teams had to design a marketing proposal to acquire 50 0 new customers for the bank's CitiGold priority banking services. I n the second, the teams presented their marketing strategies orally. Both students f ound the experienc e most valuable. They observed that good organization is crucial in proposal writing while simple an d creative tactics do the trick in oral presentation. • The University's BA students also seized the championship in the 10th annual Business Strategy Comp e t i t i o n o r gan i z ed b y the H o n g Kong
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