Bulletin Winter 1988
(a) HK$28,000 to sponsor a conference organized by the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies; and (b) HK$ 15,000 for the publication of a directory and newsletter by the Com parative literature Research Unit. (42) From Dr. Frank H. Fu a donation of HK$2,000 for the Vice-Chancellor Distinguished Award at the Physical Education Unit. (43) From the Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd. a donation of HK$23 , 400 to sponsor aconference jointly organized by the Faculty of Business Administration and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. (44) From Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd.: (a) HK$31 , 841.92 to sponsor a staff mem ber of the Department of Paediatrics to attend a congress in Greece and a post graduate course in Iceland; (b) HK$8,000 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Paediatrics to attend an advanced postgraduate course in Beijing; and (c) HK$33 , 500 to sponsor a staff member each from the Departments of Paediatrics and Microbiology to attend a conference in Los Angeles. (45) From Hang Seng Bank Ltd.: (a) HK$ 10,000 to sponsor a symposium jointly organized by the Overseas Chinese Archives of the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies and the Cancer Research Group of the Faculty of Medicine; and (b) HK$100,000 for unspecified purposes at the Vice-Chancellor's discretion for 1988- 89. (46) From the Institute for Executive Education, Malaysia a donation of HK$20,000 for aca demic and staff development purposes of the Management for Executive Development (MED) Programme of the Department of Extramural Studies, (47) From Jardine Danby Ltd.: (a) HK$6,000 to sponsor a guest speaker to give a lecture in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging; (b) HK$ 1,000 for the weekly cardiac seminars of the Department of Medicine. (48) From Johnson & Johnson (HK) Ltd. a dona tion of HK$2 , 000 for the postgraduate lectures of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynae cology. (49) From Professor Charles K. Kao a donation of HK$3,898 for discretionary purposes of the University. (50) From Line Analytics Ltd. adonation ofHK$500 for the publication of the proceedings on a symposium jointly organized by the Overseas Chinese Archives and the Cancer Research Group. (51) From Nestle China Ltd. adonation of HK$2 , 000 for postgraduate educational activities organized by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynae cology. (52) From Organon (Hong Kong) Ltd. a donation o f HK$8,000 to sponsor a visiting professor from the University of British Columbia to visit the Department of Obstetrics and Gynae cology. (53) From Roche Asian Research Foundation a donation of US$750 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department of Pharmacology to act asan invited speaker and instructor in the Philippines. (54) From Sino-British Fellowship Trust: (a) £ 10,000 (HK$ 131,700) for academic exchanges with institutions in China in 1988-89 , as the final annual payment of the £ 50,000 grant; and (b) £ 1,500 (HK$20 , 715) as an annual gift towards the Vice-Chancellor's discretion ary fund for use in 1988-89. (55) From Sterling Drug International Inc. a dona tion of HK$3,000 for the weekly cardiac sem inars of the Department of Medicine, (56) From the following donors for a conference jointly organized by the School of Education and the Hong Kong Educational Research Association: (a) US$3,000 from United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia; and (b) HK$ 15,000 from K.C. Wong Education Foundation L td . (57) From the Vita Company a donation of HK$4,012 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Medicine to attend a congress in Singapore. (58) From Mr. Wilson T.S. Wang a donation of HK$ 1,000,000 for educational and general purposes in the Department of Surgery, (59) From Diagnostica Stago a collection of reagents in support of a collaborative research under taken by the Departments of Medicine and Paediatrics.
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