Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1992

M r. Wai-sang Poon Senior Le cturer in Surgery Mr. W.S. Poon received his undergraduate medical training at the Glasgow Uni versity Medical School from 1973 to 1978 and was ad mitted as a fellow to the Royal College of Surgeons in 1983 after three years' general surgical training at Nottingham University and City Hospitals, UK. Career training in neurosurgery was pursued between 1983 and 1986 at the Institute of Neurological Sciences, University of Glasgow. In 1990 , he was given the opportunity to work as a research fellow for six months on experimental brain tumour at the Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA. Mr. Poon joined The Chinese University as a lecturer in surgery in May 1986 , and has since been involved with the establishment and improvement of neurosurgical services for the local community, under graduate and postgraduate teaching, and research. His research interests include head injury, intracranial pressure monitoring and brain tumours. Mr. Poon is also an active member of the Hong Kong Neurosurgical Society. He was invited to join its council in 1988 and has been serving as its honorary secretary since 1990. He is married, with three young children. Gifts and Donations The University has recently received from local and overseas individuals and foundations the following gifts and donations in support of its programmes and projects: (1) From Andersen Consulting HK$7,000 for the Office of Student Affairs to publish A Summary R e p o rt on the Em p lo ym e n t Survey o f 1991 Graduates. (2) From Denis Haze ll and Company Ltd . HK$15,000 for the T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre to publish a collection of learned articles on lyrics of the Song dynasty. (3) From the following donors for the publication of The H isto ry o f The Chinese University o f Ho ng Kong: (a) Mrs. Alice Lam HK$ 100,000; (b) Lee Hysan Foundation Ltd. HK$200,000; and (c) Sir Yuet-keung Kan HK$50,000. (4) From B.Y. Lam Foundation HK$250,000 for the printing cost of the Art Gallery's exhibition catalogue on lacquerware of the Warring-States to the Han periods excavated in Hubei Pro vince. (5) From Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Ltd. HK$ 10,000 for the Institute of Chinese Studies to publish a festschrift in honour of Prof. Jao Tsung-i. (6) From the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) HK$ 10,000 to provide an award for the winner of the Case Analysis Write-up Contest to be conducted jointly by BCG and the University in 1992-93. (7) From The Croucher Foundation: (a) HK$250,000 for the foundation's fund for needy students in 1991-92; (b) HK$600,000 to sponsor six academics from China to visit the University; (c) HK$34,000 to sponsor six academics from the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to visit the University and discuss research collabo ration between the two institutions; (d) HK$100,000 fo r the symposium on epididym is and male fe rtility to be organized by the Department of Physio logy; and (e) HK$50,050 for the Eye Unit of the De partment of Surgery to support scholars GIFTS AND DONATIONS 24