Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1992
News in Brief New Governor Visits CUH K The new Governor, Mr. Christopher Patten, visited the University on 24th July and was briefed on the University's recent developments and future plans. Upon his arrival on the campus, the Governor was greeted by the chairman o f the University Council, Sir Quo-wei Lee; the vice-chancellor, Prof. Charles K. Kao and other senior officers o f the University. He was shown the Multimedia Laboratory in the Lady Shaw Building, where members of the Faculty o f Engineering explained to him various research projects involving networking, multimedia, academic automation and Chinese systems. He also visited the Environmental Biology Laboratory in the Science Building, and expressed great interest in the biotechnological research activities related to environmental protection, food technology, as well as the finger-printing o f genetic materials. The University is the first local tertiary institu tion Mr. Patten has chosen to visit after the assump tion o f office as Governor o f Hong Kong. H u i Yeung Shing Bu ild ing Fo rma lly Opened The Hui Yeung Shing Building was formally opened by Sir Yuet-keung Kan, pro-chancellor o f the University, on 21st May. The new 10-storey building with a total floor area o f 5,350 square meters represents the first phase of the redevelopment o f teaching blocks at Chung Chi College. It accommodates offices, classrooms, laboratories and rehearsal rooms for the departments of music, Japanese studies, and religion, as well as The Chinese University Press. The building has been named after the late Mr. Hui Yeung Shing, a trustee of New Asia College from the early 1950s un til his death in 1981 , in recognition o f the staunch support he gave to the University for various academic development pro grammes. Founda tion Stone L a id f o r the Wong Foo Yuan B u ild ing An eight-storey building is under construction on the Chung Chi campus as part o f the redevelop ment o f the college's teaching blocks. The new building has been named after Mr. Wong Foo Yuan, a local industrialist who has made generous dona tions to the University fo r the establishment of a Centre for Environmental Studies and various other research programmes. The foundation stone o f the building was formally laid on 3rd June. Mr. Wong Foo Yuan was the guest of honour on the occasion. NEWS -17
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