Bulletin Spring‧Summer 2001
I nformation technology (IT) has radically changed the way we work, communicate, and play, and increased our productivity enormously. In the education sector, IT has also become an indispensable tool for learning, teaching, and research. The Chief Executive of the HKSAR pointed out in his first policy address in 1997 that Hong Kong must aspire to become a leader in information technology in order to maintain its competitive edge. And to achieve this goal, education is the key. At The Chinese University, an IT Strategy Committee was formed in March 1998 to formulate strategies for these objectives: (1) to ensure CUHK graduates are competent in IT; (2) to promote the use of IT in teaching and research; (3) to achieve quality and efficiency in university administration through the use of IT; and (4) to serve society in those areas of IT where CUHK has unique strengths. In April 2000, an IT Policy Committee was set up to replace the Strategy Committee. Chaired by Prof. Kenneth Young, pro-vice-chancellor, the new committee determines the long-term priorities for teaching, research, administration, and public service, sets specific targets, decides on the appropriate levels of investment, monitors the progress against objectives, and explores how the University can capitalize on IT to achieve competitive advantage. From 1st July 2000 the Computer Services Centre and the Information Technology Service Unit have also been combined to form the new Information Technology Services Centre to provide better IT services to the University community. What role has the University been playing in Hong Kong's IT development over the years? What contribution has it made? The answers may be found in the following articles. IT:
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