Bulletin Summer 1989

Profiles New Deans of Faculties Dr. Ho Hsiu-hwang Dean of Faculty of Arts Dr. Ho studied philosophy at the Na t i o n al T a i wan U n i v e r s i t y, where he obtained his BA in 1961 and M A in 1965. D r. Ho then continued his studies in Michigan State Univer- sity, USA and received his PhD degree in 1969. After working for three years as an assistant professor of philosophy at the California State University at Stanislaus, Dr. Ho joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1972 as lecturer in philosophy. He was promoted to senior lecturer in 1980 and reader in 1988. Apart from teaching, Dr. Ho has been very much involved in the administrative work of the University. In 1985, he was appointed Director of General Education of the Un i ve r s i ty and has on many occasions been chairman/acting chairman of the Philosophy Department as well as the division head of philosophy of the Graduate School. Dr. Ho has also from time to time served as member or chairman of various college/University committees. Dr. Ho specializes in mathematical logic, philosophy of science, semantics and philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind. He devotes much of his time to research and writing. His current research interests include the logic of natural languages and the logic and language of humanity and rationality. He has translated five books on these topics into Chinese, published a lot of articles and written eighteen books on such subjects as logic, semantics, methodology, philosophy, and literature. -Vivien L. Ng Professor T e i k E. O h Dean of Faculty of Medicine Professor Oh, forty-four , was raised in Brisbane, Australia, where he studied medicine at K i ng 's College, Queensland University, graduating MB BS in December 1969. After his residency years, he r e c e i v ed t r a i n i ng i n anaesthesia in Australian and L o n d on teaching hospitals. He then undertook a fellowship in clinical pharmacology in the University of West- em Australia in 1975 and began to specialize in the emerging field of intensive care. In the latter half of that decade, he contributed to the development of intensive care as a speciality in Australasia, in areas of clinical research, peer review, organization of intensive care units, training, and fellowship examinations in intensive care. Prior to joining The Chinese University in 1988, he had been head of the Department of Intensive Care at the Queen Elizabeth I I Medical Centre, Perth, Western Australia, for eleven years. Professor Oh is a member of executive and research committees and editorial boards of a number of professional societies, organizations and medical journals. He still serves on the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia in the panel of anaesthesia and intensive care. Professor Oh is a Fellow of the College of Anaesthetists of England, and also of the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FFARACS), with fellowships in intensive care as well as anaesthesia. He is an examiner for the FFARACS in the Australasian College. Professor Oh has written three books and contributed to book chapters on anaesthesia and i n t en s i ve care, and p u b l i s h ed in j ou r na ls of anaesthesia, critical care, medicine, and clinical pharmacology, reflecting his wide research interests, which include monitoring and equipment, parenteral nutrition, and pharmacokinetics of the critically ill. He has frequently been invited to speak at international meetings and was a visiting professor at the University of British Columbia in 1985. Non-professional interests of Professor Oh are those of his wife and two children, although he retains a strong interest in sport. He represented Queensland University in rugby union and hockey and was awarded half blues in both sports.