Bulletin Offprints(II) Printed with No. 2, 2013

COMMEMORATIVE STAMP FOR THE UNIVERSITY Volumn Five • July-August 1969 • Number Nine A special stamp, of the 40c denomination and showing the crest of the University in purple and gold, was issued by the Post Office of Hong Kong on 26th August, 1969 to commemorate the start of the University's occupation of the site at Shatin. Student Enrolment Volumn Six • September 1969 • Number One The total enrolment of the University as at 30th September, 1969 is 2,266. Of these, 2,104 are undergraduates, 623 in the Faculty of Arts, 844 in the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science, and 637 in the Faculty of Science. 791 of these students are enrolled at Chung Chi College, 698 at New Asia College and 615 at United College. There are altogether 1,207 male undergraduates and 897 female undergraduates. The Graduate School has at present 50 students, and the School of Education 55 students, 8 full-time and 47 part-time, while the New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research has 16 trainees. In addition, the University has 23 exchange students and 18 associate students. Volumn Six • September 1969 • Number One The University Bulletin of The Chinese University of Hong Kong is published and distributed free by the University Bulletin Editorial Board among the University faculty and staff. Copies are also sent to friends of the University. MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY BULLETIN EDITORIAL BOARD : Mr. Stephen C. Soong (Chairman) Mr. John T. S. Chen Mrs. A. E. Henderson Dr. Francis K. Pan Dr. Andrew T. Roy Mr. N. H. Young Mr. J. C. Yuan Miss Janet Lai (Secretary) BULLETIN STAFF : Editor 一 Mr. Stephen C. Soong Assistant to the Editor — Miss Janet Lai COLLEGE CORRESPONDENTS : Mr. Fang Hsin Hou (Chung Chi College) Mr. P. C. Yao (United College) Mr. Wei Yu-chen (New Asia College) ADDRESS : The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong (第六卷第一期’ 一九六九年九月) 中文大學校刊爲本大學純粹報導性之刊物,係非賣 品,專爲大學本部及三成員學院之敎職員及大學各方 而出版。 大學校刊編輯委員會委員:宋淇先生(主席)’芮陶 菴博士,袁昶超先生,陳佐舜先生,楊乃舜先生’潘光迥 博士,韓藹怡女士。黎青霜小姐(秘書) 。 校刊編輯:宋淇先生(編輯) , 黎青霜小姐(副編 輯)。學院通訊員:方信侯先生 , 魏羽展先生’姚柏春 先生。 通訊處:香港新界沙田 香港中文大學 15