A New Era Begins 1975-78

V I Professional and Graduate Education: The Faculty of Medicine The Chinese University has always believed that a balanced education is best for a balanced society. This means an education composed of bo th general/liberal studies and specialized/professional training. Professional education is planned according to a careful analysis of the professional manpower needs of the community, which includes proper consideration o f the professional and technical programmes of the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic. Recent developments in professional education at The Chinese University can best be described as a two-pronged thrust to strengthen and expand existing programmes and to create new programmes to meet recognized community needs. Undergraduate Programmes As stated above, The Chinese University provides a range of professional programmes at the undergraduate level, as well as at the postgraduate level. Recent developments in these undergraduate programmes may be described briefly as follows: (1) Business Administration : Af t er becoming an independent Faculty in 1974-75 , the Faculty of Business Administration has three departments w i th six areas o f concentrations in 1977-78: Accounting and Finance General Business Management and Personnel Management Marketing and International Business A l l of them have encountered similar problems: manpower shortage and consequent large classes. In recruiting suitable teaching staff, the Faculty must compete not only w i th other institutions but w i th private business and industry. Continuous assessment and revision of its curricula has been carried on in response to the needs of community. (2) Social Work: In 1975-76, the Board of Studies in Social Work extended its two-year undergraduate curriculum to a full-fledged four-year one, which was in line w i th its primary objective to prepare social workers capable of independent, professional practice in a changing society. (3) Journalism and Communication : Like Social Work, the Journalism and Communication Board extended its two-yearund students i n the j un i or year were asked to choose from News/ 43