A New Era Begins 1975-78
IV student Life: Campus Organization and Services This Section is concerned wi th the student's educational environment outside the formal classroom; that is, the University campus—its structure, its activities, its living arrangements, and its services. A l l of these make important educative contributions to the student which complement his or her formal degree programme. These two aspects, the formal and the informal, constitute The Chinese University's conception of undergraduate education as a process of total student development. In discussing the matter of campus life, we must note at the outset certain changes in the organization and functions of the Foundation Colleges, necessitated by the new Ordinance. With the consolidation of the separate College departments into University-wide Boards of Studies, responsible, under the Senate, for formal instruction and academic staffs in their respective disciplines, the Colleges ceased to be conventional unitary educational institutions, and began, instead, the challenging task of developing a new role. That task is still in progress. We can, however, review here certain matters of organization and responsibility. Assembly of Fellows As stated in Section I I I, each College is under the general administration of a Head, a member of the academic staff. He is Chairman of his College's Assembly of Fellows, Ex-officio University Council member, and is a member o f the University's Administrative and Planning Committee. In Apr il 1977, the University Council appointed six academic staff members to be Assembly Fellows in each of the Colleges. and they in turn, elected the remaining members of their respective Assemblies. At present, the numbers of fellows are as follows: Chung Chi College 23; New Asia College 25; United College 23. Under each Assembly of Fellows there are various committees which include faculty members who are not Assembly Fellows, thus increasing the participation of academic staff members in the affairs of the Colleges. Some College Functions As previously mentioned, the Colleges are currently involved in a continuing process of redefining their roles in the future development of The Chinese University. Bearing this in mind, we can state here certain generally accepted responsibilities, as follows: 27
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