Bulletin Number Two 1987
Taiwan' by the S.Y. Chung Visiting Fellow o f the College, Professor Sho-chieh Tsiang, on 23rd March. Professor Tsiang is President o f the Chung Hua Institution for Economic Research, and Professor o f Economics, National Taiwan University. This lecture was jo in tly organized w ith the Department o f Econ omics. * The Department o f Chemistry organized the following seminars: — 'The nature o f seat-ligand fitting , quantitative study o f steric effect in coordination chem istry' conducted by Professor Li Xingfu, the Institute o f High Energy Physics, Beijing, China, on 24th March. — 'Polyfluoroalkane sulfonic acids, synthesis and reactions' conducted by Professor Huang Weiyuan, Shanghai Institute o f Organic Chemistry, Academia Sinica, China, on 13th April. * The Department o f Paediatrics organized a lecture on ‘The use o f recombinant DNA technology in inherited diseases' by Dr. K.C. Tan-Un, Tutor o f the Department o f Biochemistry, University o f Hong Kong, on 24th March. * The Department o f Religion and the Hong Kong Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture jo in tly organized a lecture on ‘Is there one true religion or are there many?' by Professor Hans K ü ng o f Tubingen University, West Germany, on 29th March at Kowloon Union Church. * The Department o f Government and Public Administration organized a lecture on 'Journalists: traitors or guardians o f the public interest?' by Dr. C.F. Forsyth, Fellow and Director o f Legal Studies, Robinson College, Cambridge University, on 1st April. * The Department o f Statistics organized the following seminars: — ‘Some unexpected results in conditional expectations for forecasting' conducted by Professor Howell Tong, Mathematical Institute, University o f Kent, UK, on 15th April. Su Renshan (1814-1949?); B odhidharm a; A le a f fro m the album o f Figures, Landscapes and Flowers (E x h ib itio n o f Selections fro m the A r t Gallery C ollection) — 'An overview o f structural equation models' conducted by Professor Peter M. Bentler, Department o f Psychology, University o f California , USA, on 16th April. This seminar was jo in tly organized w ith the Department o f Sociology and Hong Kong Statistical Society. * The Department o f Music organized: — A lecture-demonstration on 'The singing style o f Chinese fo lk song' by Ms. Barbara Fei , a famous singer, on 9th March. —A voice master class conducted by Professor D é sir é Ligeti, a world renowned Hungarian- bom baritone, on 24th March. — A four-hand piano-duet concert (on one piano) performed by Professor David Gwilt, Professor o f Music and Ms. Marilyn Watson, on 30th March. — A chamber music concert performed by Professor David Gw ilt, and the following students: Tsui Ying-fai, Ho Sui-wa, Leung Bo-wan, Leung Tim-sing and Cheung Yuet- siu , on 8th April. * An exhibition o f ‘Selections from the A rt Gallery Collection' is being mounted by the A rt Gallery from 28th April to 13th May. Exhibits in clude more than one hundred objects from the A rt Gallery collection, ranging from Chinese ceramics, bronzes, rubbings to calligraphies and paintings. Some o f the recent acquisitions are also on display.
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