Bulletin Special Supplement Professor Arthur K C Li: A Six-Year Term as Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University (1996–2002)
New scheme s were introduce d to provide interest-fre e bridgin g loan s or low-interest supplementary loan s to students wit h specia l financia l needs ; special subsidie s wer e provide d to sponsor ope n day s organized by student groups and the participatio n o f university teams in inter- university debatin g competitions, rowin g regatta s and other sport s events . 內 地 / 國際關係 Mainland/Internationa l Relation s •創立「中國就業發展獎勵計劃」(一九九六年) 中大是本地第一所大學與內地院校如北京大學、北京行政學院、上海復旦大學及上海行政學院 等合作,安排本科生到內地機構實習,以備他們日後在內地發展。 The firs t of its kin d i n local tertiar y institutions , the Chin a Caree r Developmen t Awar d Programm e was launche d i n 1996 wit h Pekin g University , Tsinghua University , Beijin g Administrativ e College, Fuda n University , an d Shangha i Administrative Colleg e to familiarize student s wit h contemporary Chin a and to prepare them for China-related careers . •促成中國大學校長聯誼會(一九九七年)並設秘書處於中大校園,又於北京大學成立中大駐北 京聯絡處(一九九八年) The Universit y helpe d foun d th e Association of University President s of China in 1997 and bega n serving as its Hong Kon g Secretariat; it also se t up the CUHK Beijin g Liaiso n Offic e i n Peking University i n 1998 to foster link s and cooperation wit h universitie s o n the mainland . •內地生率先入讀中大本科課程(一九九八年) The Universit y wa s the first to recruit outstanding non-loca l undergraduat e student s from the mainland i n 1998. •大學全面國際化 大學全面加強與世界著名大學和硏究中心的聯繫,簽訂更多的合作及交流協議,又擴展交換生 計劃,增收非本地學生和增設相關的科目。 New collaboratio n an d exchange agreement s were signe d wit h prestigiou s universities , researc h centres, and internationa l bodie s acros s the world. Studen t exchange programme s wer e expanded , and a larger numbe r of non-local student s wer e admitted . Th e element of internationalism i n the academic curriculu m wa s also reinforced . •首辦全球大學校長論壇 中大於一九九九年主辦大學校長論壇,邀請世界各地共四十七所著名大學之校長參加,為香港 歷來最大規模的同類型會議,有助本地院校拓展和鞏固與全球高等敎育界之交流。 The Vice-Chancellors' an d Presidents ' Foru m on Global Tertiar y Educatio n Developmen t wa s hel d for the first time o n campu s i n 1999, attracting the participatio n o f 47 world famou s universities . The larges t of its kin d eve r hel d i n Hong Kong , the forum wa s par t of the University' s effort s to cultivate internationa l relation s and promot e interactio n amon g leaders of university educatio n worldwide. 中文大學校刊•特刊 Chines e Universit y Bulleti n • Specia l Supplemen t 16
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