Bulletin Special Supplement Professor Arthur K C Li: A Six-Year Term as Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University (1996–2002)
口爭取研究資源成績驕人 期間中大從香港硏究資助局取得之競爭性硏究撥款,以及從大學敎育資助委員會取得的硏究生 學額等,屢次超越其他院校,名列前茅。 Time an d again the Universit y receive d th e larges t amount of competitive earmarke d researc h grants from th e Hon g Kon g Research Grant s Council , or achieved the highes t scor e in the numbe r of researc h project s supported , or been allotted the mos t graduate place s from th e UGC' s centra l pool throug h competition wit h othe r loca l universities . 學生事 Studen t Affair s •全面改善學生設施 校方自一九九六年起陸續增建及改善設施,為學生提供更優良之學習環境。有關工程包括興建 多幢本科生及硏究生宿舍,為所有宿舍房間安裝冷氣及連接校園電腦網絡,擴充及改善范克廉 樓的膳堂及學生活動設施,將該樓的露天停車場改建為文化廣場,並將崇基敎學樓第七及第八 座改建為新的學生活動中心(李慧珍樓)。 Student facilities wer e continuously expande d and upgrade d during the si x years: man y ne w blocks of undergraduate an d postgraduate hostel s were erected, air-conditioning wa s installe d in all studen t hostel s and computer networ k connections wer e provide d for individual rooms , canteen facilitie s and student amenities at the Benjami n Frankli n Centr e were renovated , the ope n carpark outside the centre was converted int o a Cultural Square , and the L i Wai Chu n Buildin g on the Chung Chi campus was fitted ou t as a new studen t amenities centre . •開放校政,加強與學生之溝通 校方透過與學生代表之磋商,了解學生之需要,不斷改良有關之服務如校巴路線與班次之編 排,學生活動中心內設施之更新等;敎務會又增加學生代表之議席,讓更多學生參與校政。大 學校長更經常約見學生代表,接受學生組織之訪問,並主動探訪宿生,以加強溝通;類似活動 六年間共逾八十次,頻密程度為歷任校長之冠。 Student participatio n wa s enlisted i n the planning of student services on the campus and the number of seats for studen t representative s a t the Universit y Senat e was increased . The vice- chancellor als o took the initiativ e to meet regularl y wit h studen t bodie s or their representative s and t o visit the hostel s of different colleges to increase interactio n wit h students . The frequency of such meeting s and visits over the six-yea r period was unsurpasse d b y any former vice- chancellorship. 口推出新貸款計劃,增加活動資助 期間推出之「新生入學特別貸款」和「學生輔助貸款」等計劃,為需要經濟援助之學生提供免息 或低息貸款。而從學生主辦中大開放日等大型活動,以至參與辯論賽、划艇賽、運動會等主要 校際比賽,校方均有提供特別資助。 中文大學校刊•特刊 Chines e Universit y Bulleti n • Specia l Supplemen t 14
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