Bulletin No. 1, 2011
48 Chinese University Bulletin No. 1, 2011 Pai Hsien-yung on Renaissance in China Prof. Pak Hsien-yung Kenneth (1st left), the literary giant, revisited the campus from 16 to 19 February after receiving an honorary doctorate from CUHK in 2009. He was invited by Chung Chi College to serve as Siu Lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow 2010–11. During his stay, Professor Pak attended luncheon talk, evening sharing, assembly, and conference. On the Chung Chi Annual Education Conference held on 19 February, Professor Pak and Mr. Tung Chiao (2nd left), Prof. Lee Ou-fan Leo (2nd right) and Prof. Lo Wai-luen (1st right), shared their views on the role of Hong Kong in China’s renaissance in the 21st century. Intellectual Cross-currents Star Lecturers on Global Economic Development The first ‘Executive Leadership Programme in Global Finance’ launched by the Institute of Global Economics and Finance concluded successfully on 21 January 2011. Over 10 illustrious lecturers, including Prof. Joseph Yam, former chief executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority; Prof. Myron S. Scholes (photo left, standing), 1997 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences; Prof. Robert A. Mundell, CUHK Distinguished Professorat-Large and 1999 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences; and Dr. Donald L. Kohn, former vice chairman, Board of Governors of the US Federal Reserve System, shared insights on the latest global economic developments. Apart from senior executives in the industry, there were senior officials of China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission and The People’s Bank of China; senior executives of Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Central Bank of Malaysia, Hong Kong Monetary Authority and The Securities and Futures Commission among the 30-plus participants of the programme. Harvard Educator Calls for Broader Foundation of Knowledge Prof. Harry R. Lewis, Gordon McKay Professor of Computer S c i e n c e i n t h e S c h o o l o f E n g i n e e r i n g a n d A p p l i e d Sciences at Harvard University, p r e s e n t e d t wo l e c t u r e s a t CUHK— L e e H y s a n L e c t u r e ‘ A p p r o a c h e s t o G e n e r a l Educ a t i on? ’ on 17 J anua r y 2011, and Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholars Lecture ‘Civic Education in the Information Era’ on 19 January 2011.
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