Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2006
News in Brief 55 S un Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) and The Chinese University jointly presented The Sun Hung Kai Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures in September and November. • Prof. Louis J. Ignarro ( left ), 1998 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, delivered a lecture entitled ‘The Unique Role of Nitric Oxide as a Signaling Molecule’ on19 September. Inhis lecture, Prof. Ignarro discussed how nitric oxide strengthens the cardiovascular system and protects the body from pathological conditions. • On 30 November, 2006 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, Prof. Edmund S. Phelps ( right ) hosted the lecture ‘Stumbling Blocks on the Way to a Modern Economy’. Prof. Phelps’s seminal contributions to economics include introducing Shaw Laureates in Astronomy 2006 Speak at CUHK P rof. Saul Perlmutter, Prof. Adam Riess and Prof. Brian Schmidt, the Shaw Laureates in Astronomy 2006, presented a lecture entitled ‘Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe: Past, Present and Future’ on 13 September 2006 at ShawCollege. Prof. Perlmutter, Prof. Riess and Prof. Schmidt are jointly awarded the Shaw Sun Hung Kai Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures (From Left) Prof. Ching Pak Chung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Saul Perlmutter, Prof. Adam Riess, Prof. Brian Schmidt, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Chu Ming Chung imperfect information and imperfect knowledge to macroeconomics. He pioneered the first generation of economic models of unemployment and inflation based on microfoundations, and was the first to stress the importance of reorganizing macroeconomic theory by revising the postulates of the neoclassical paradigm with regard to information and knowledge and to show how this could actually be done. Prize in Astronomy 2006 in recognition of their leadership roles on two teams that made the remarkable discovery of the acceleration rate of the expansion of the universe, implying, in the simplest interpretation, that the energy density of space is non-vanishing even in the absence of any matter and radiation.
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