Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1999
Coming off with Flying Colours in Management Review University Gets Pat on the Back from UGC After months of information collection and analysis of the University's management processes, on-site visits by a review panel, and interviews with administrators and teaching staff of the University, the University Grants Committee (UGC) issued in October 1999 a management review report which has many good things to say about the University. The University has also issued an official statement in response to the report. Thefull text of the report and the University's responsehas been posted on the CUHK website (http ://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ mgtreview/) for public viewing. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Arthur K.C Li Praise on A l l Fronts The Chinese University's management wa s h i gh ly commended i n all six areas under review: strategic direction; resource allocation; implementatio n of p l ans ; roles, r espons i b i l i t i es , a nd t r a i n i n g ; service d e l i v e r y; and management information and systems. Vice-Chancellor Prof. A r t h ur K.C. L i is pleased to note that the University has fared the best among the eight UGC-funded tertiary institutions that have been reviewed, a conclusion he draws after reading review reports of other institutions as we ll as an overarching report (yet to be published) summarizin g the management practices of the institutions. ' A l l the reports were rather discreet i n tone. One hardly finds any harsh criticisms. But reading between the lines one can easily discern that The Chinese University has impressed the reviewers the most. We received the most praises and there were more goo d practices cited f r om CUH K than from any other institution,' Prof. L i said.
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