Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1999
Hong Kong... Artificial... Developed... Technology to Be Extensively Used by the Police From the year 2000, Ho n g Kong's 52 police divisions w i l l be adopting the A r t i f i c i a l Intelligence Crime Analysis and Management System ( A I CAMS) developed b y Prof. L a m Ka i - p ui o f the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management. The Ho ng Kong Police Force and The Chinese University renewed their memo r andu m of understanding i n A p r i l 1999 to reaffirm their join t ownership o f the right to let third parties use A I CAMS, and to entrust C U H K w i t h the task of further research and development. The success of A I CAMS points to the fact that technology transfer not on l y benefits commerce, industry, and value-added innovative technology, b u t also contributes to the maintenance o f l aw and order b y he l p i ng the government to fight crime. 12
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