Bulletin No. 1, 2014

Culture—Its Creation, Preservation and Promotion  11  I n 1996 United College collected many documents, artefacts and photos for publishing its 40th anniversary history book. The idea of establishing an archive of the College was subsequently proposed, and the College launched a collection campaign. In 1999, the Shum Choi Sang United College Archives situated at T.C. Cheng Building was officially opened by Mr. and Mrs. Shum Choi Sang . Mr. Shum was then chairman of the United College Board of Trustees. The exhibits were displayed under the categories of ‘Board of Trustees’, ‘community support’, ‘College affairs’, ‘teachers and staff’, ‘teaching and learning’, ‘student organizations’, ‘academic and recreational activities’, ‘student exchange programmes’, and ‘alumni’. Apart from the exhibition, a short video about the College is played at intervals. The computers there are equipped with a search function for the over 16,000 graduates by name, graduation year, or department of the College since 1957, with the aim of enhancing alumni’s sense of belonging. Though the archive has been set up for over a decade, the collection of items is a continuous process. Thematic exhibitions such as ‘Exhibition in Shum Choi Sang United College Archives Memory of Dr. T.C. Cheng’ and ‘Dr. Tse Yuen Man Memorial Exhibition’, are organized from time to time. Prof. Jimmy C.M. Yu, Head, United College ‘The Shum Choi Sang United College Archives displays invaluable documents, artefacts and photographs, dated both before and after the College’s inception. We would like to share with the public our history and achievements accomplished. The College thanks all United people for their continuous support in donating or loaning items to the archives.’ Old College truncheon Bronze ringing bell for classes Wooden chair with table arm