Annual Report 1996-97
捐贈、財務與賬目 Donations , Finances and Account s 捐贈 Donations 年內本校獲得捐款逾二億三千萬元,其他捐贈無數,未能盡錄,詳情請參閲期內之《中文大學校 刊 》 (英文版)。下表臚列的各項主要捐贈,皆於一九九七年七月之前獲大學校董會接納。 The University received donations totalling some HK$230 million in 1996-97. Donations in kind and donations under $500,000 received in the period were too numerous to record in this report. Details can be found in the Chinese University Bulletin published from 1996 to 1997. All donations listed here were accepted by the University Council before July 1997. 五十 萬港元或以上之捐贈(一 九九六至九七年度) Donations of HK$500,000 or above (1996-97) 捐助者 Donors 捐贈金額(港元) Amount Donated (HK$) 摘要 Particulars 國泰航空有限公司 Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. 1,161,806.34 To establish the Cathay Pacific Wheelchair Bank administered by the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology for children with neuromuscular disease. 陳震夏慈善信託基金 Chan Chun Ha Charitable Trust 10,000,000 For constructing a new student hostel on the United College campus. 陳國本先生及陳天生先生 Mr. Chen Kou-bun and Mr. Henr y T.S. Chan 13,333,333 To set up a development fund for student and staff development programmes, academic exchange activities, and the improvement of facilities on campus. 陳曾燾博士 Dr. Thomas T.T. Chen 5,000,000 For constructing a student amenities centre on the United College campus. 80 捐 贈 財 務 與 賬 目
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