Annual Report 1996-97
教職員 staff 敎職員人數 staff Population 本年度大學敎職員總人數略有增長,共四千二百廿六人,較去年增加一百一十七人。九百八十八 名敎學人員之中,八成為本地人士,其餘來自海外各地;四分之三強的敎師年齡介乎三十至五十 歲之間。 The year saw a growth in the size of the University's staff population. By the end of 1996-97, total staff strength was 4,226, which was 117 more than the previous year. There were 988 teaching staff members, of whom 80 per cent were of local origin and the rest from overseas. Over 75 per cent of them were aged between 30 and 50. 人事政策與服務條款 Personnel Policies and Conditions of Service 本校繼續從各地招聘優秀人才,以發展高質素敎學與研究。而自去年起推行的單項預算撥款模 式,更讓學術單位靈活運用資源,以不同形式邀聘知名學者來校,加強敎硏實力和支援學術發 展。 「敎師職稱計劃」自一九九五年實施以來,大部分敎師已採用匹配其職級的職稱。該計劃自一九九 七年一月起推展至兼任及名譽敎學人員,按他們的學術地位授予適當的職稱。 為切合職位需要,按「甲類」服務條例受聘的非敎學僱員的試用期已由五年修訂為三年,新的假期 計劃亦於年內實施,鼓勵這類僱員按年中工作量的分布計劃他們的假期。 校方也繼續積極檢討各項人事政策及有關程序,以切合環境的轉變,年內已精簡各類僱員的徵聘 程序,提高管理效率和成本效益;又因應政府通過的有關新法例而制訂各項措施,先後就《個人 資料(私隱)條例》、《性別歧視條例》、《殘疾歧視條例》及《僱傭條例》向校內部門發出指引, 協助它們了解並執行有關條例的細節。 To attract the best talents fo r teaching and research, the University has continued to recruit staff from all over the world. Wit h the flexibility afforded by the one-line budget first introduced in 54 敎職員
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