Annual Report 1996-97
傑 • 出 • 研 • 究 Outstandin g Researc h Projec t 教育學院 黃顯華敎授主導的「九年強迫敎育之目的、目標、評估和派位研究」,發現香港政府在小學敎 育投入的資源遠遠少於已發展國家;而本地敎育政策制訂者、課程設計者、師訓院校和敎師更 從來沒有就九年強迫敎育的目的、課程、師訓和課室敎學過程等方面協調,作出全面和具針對 性的處理。研究也發現學生在小學三年級開始便遇到學習上的困難,這種現象在英文和算術科 尤為顯著。 Faculty o f Educat ion A 'Research on the Aims, Objectives, Targets, and Enforcement of Nine-year Compulsory Education and the Assessment and Allocation System', led by Prof. Wong Hin Wah finds that government investment in primary education is far below that in most developed countries. No concerted and relevant effort has ever been madeby education policy planners, curriculum designers, institutes of teacher education, and teachers to revamp nine-year compulsory education in terms of its aims, curriculum, teacher training, and process of instruction in the classroom. Students are found to begin experiencing chronic learning problems as early as in primary three, especially in English and mathematics.
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