Annual Report 1996-97

研究 Research 引言 Introduction 香港中文大學向來著重研究;教師透過華術研究一方面創造新知,一方面改善教學。硏究是學系 的職責 I 校方定期審核其研究成果,並根據評核結果釐定學系部分應得經費。 校方亦鼓勵教師參與策略性重點研究。策略性重點研究方向每每經深思熟慮而訂定,選題須配合 大學本身長處和客觀條件。另一方面,校方大力支持個別教師按本身興趣和專長自由選擇硏究課 題。身在前線的硏究人員畢竟最清楚課題的意義和可行性;況且,學術研究百花齊放,大學更顯 得活力充沛。 The University has always stressed the importance of research, and expects its academic staff to engage in research for the sake of both knowledge and teaching. Research output from each department is systematically scrutinized, and the outcome determines a part o f the departmental one-line budget. Within this framework, the Universit y strives to strike a balance between defining broad strategi c directions and allowing staff the freedom to pursue research topics of their choice. Strategic research directions are developed throug h the assessment of areas of strength and circumstantial advantages. The University rewards research teams that devote concerted and sustained effort towards pertinent issues. At the same time , the University believes that researchers are the best judges of thei r projects' significance and feasibility. Hence they are allowed the freedom to choose their research direction. The diversity that this entails is itself a source of strength for the University. 研究經費 Research Funding 一九九六至九七年度本校硏究經費主要仍來自香港硏究資助局之競爭性撥款,校內同人歷年均參 與競逐,取得的撥款逐年增長。是年度共有一百零八項研究獲得撥款,金額約六千五百萬元。 其他研究經費來源包括研究資助局直接撥款一千六百七十萬元,用以贊助小型項目;而英國香港 32 研 究