Annual Report 1996-97
啟 用 儀 式 後 , 嘉 賓 參 觀 運 動 醫 學 暨 促 進 健 康 中 心 的 設 施 。 Gueststouring thenewly establishedCentre for Sports Medicine and Health Promotion 醫學院重要發展 一、學院與中山醫科大學、北京醫院及台灣陽明大學簽訂學術及硏究合作協議 。 二、眼科及視覺科學系成立護眼基金會,為香港市民提供周全的眼睛護理及敎育。 三、設立香港中文大學世界衛生組織運動醫學暨促進健康中心,透過運動醫學的敎育 與硏究工作,促進亞太區人民的健康,並致力預防疾病。 四、護理學系與澳洲阿德萊德大學和喬安娜布里格斯硏究所建立聯繫,成立全港首個 以實據為本的護理學硏究中心。 五、學院開創利用電泳方法診斷早期肝癌,增加病者的治癒機會,又改進早年發展的內放射性治療肝癌方 法,更有效控制晚期肝癌細胞的生長,甚至使部分腫瘤縮小到可以手術切除。 六、學院統籌成立香港中文大學營養研究中心,開展硏究,並向公眾推廣營養知識。 七、學院籌建公共衛生學院,預期於一九九九年完成。 八、學院舉辦首次全球性二十四小時三向遠程醫學會議,把世界十五個醫療中心輪流連接香港及北京,舉 行醫學會議。 Majo rEvent s i n th e Facult yo fMedicin e 1. Academic a n d research cooperation agreements were signed with Su n Yat~SenUniversity o f Medical Sciences, Beijing Hospital, an dYang Ming University o f Taiwan. 2. Th e Department o f Ophthalmology a n d Visual Sciences established th e Figh t fo r Sight Foundation t o promote ey e care i n Hong Kong. 3. Th e Chinese University o f Hong Kong WHO Collaborating Centre fo r Sports Medicine and Health Promotion was established t o promote health an d prevent diseases i n th e Asia-Pacific region through education an d research i n sports medicine. 4. Th e Department o f Nursing became th e first Centre o f Evidence-Based Nursing i n Hong Kong through it s association with th e Joanna Briggs Institute an d th e University o f Adelaide. 5. Using isoelectric focusing, th e faculty discovered a ne w iso-alpha foetal protein (AFP) fo r diagnosing liver cancer a t th e early stage, thus increasing th e chance o f curing th e disease. With th e us e o f 43 technetium- labelled macroaggregated albumin an d g a mma scan, th e faculty also perfected th e selective interna! radiation therapy t o treat inoperable liver cancer. 6. Th e faculty coordinated th e establishment o f th e University's Centre fo r Nutritional Studies t o conduct research an d promote public awarenes o f th e importance o f nutrition. 7. Th e faculty made preparations fo r th e establishment o f a School o f Public Health i n 1999 . 8. Th e faculty organized th e first three-way 24-hour global telemedicine conference that linked u p H o ng Kong, Beijing, an d 1 5 other medical centres around th e world. 29 Academi c Developmen t
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