Annual Report 1996-97

加速器實驗室 Accelerator Laboratory 工程學院重要發展 一、系統工程與工程管理學系設立了金融工程實驗室,內有最先進的電腦工作站和個人計算機,以及用以 分析風險、評估投資組合和模擬市場交易的軟件,而數據則來自路透社提供的路透社數據工作站。 二、訊息工程學系的「聯網總匯實驗室」為本地互聯網提供了具有高速電訊交換及路向指示的交換站,讓新 的多媒體應用軟件在資訊高速公路上馳騁。該實驗室也開發了不少具商業用途的相關軟件。 三、電子工程學系的加速器實驗室於一九九七年一月九日正式成立,內置價值一百萬美元之加速器,可作 半導體材料分析和開發先進材料之用,是華南唯一的超級加速器。 Majo rEvent s i n th e Facult yo f Engineerin g 1. Th e Department o f Systems Engineering an d Engineering Management se t u p a Financial Engineering Laboratory with state-of-the-art workstations, PC s and software fo r risk analysis and portfolio performance evaluation. It is also equipped with Reuters Personal Trading Workstations data-feed donated b y Reuters, which allows users t o combine real-time and historical financial information with their own applications t o do trading and develo p trading technologies. 2. Th e Centre fo r Internet Exchange Technologies (CIXT) o f the Department o f Information Engineering se t up a hub with high speed switches and routers that allows new multimedia applications t o b e used o n th e local Internet. CIXT has also developed relevant software fo r commercial application. 3. Th e Accelerator Laboratory o f th e Department o f Electroni c Engineering wa s officially o p e n ed o n 9t h January 1997. The only one o f it s kind i n southern China, the accelerator i s worth US$1 million and canb e used t o perform materials analysis an d develop new types o f materials. 金融工程實驗室 Financial Engineering Laboratory Major Events 28 學 術 發 展