Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 4 Jan–Feb 1970
T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L U M E S IX J A N U A R Y - F E B R U A RY 1970 N U M B ER FOUR C O N T E N TS Page University Athletic Programme . . . 1 M r . Edward Heath Visits the University 2 Analysis of 1969-70 Inter-Collegiate Teaching 2 The Pre-Employment Workshop … . . 5 Members of Boards of Studies 1969-70 9 Vice-Chancellor as Director of L I B A . . 12 Music Symposium and Chinese Concert 12 New Committees 13 Personalia 13 Staff Profiles 13 Comings and Goings 14 College News 15 Obituary 17 Un i v e r s i ty A t h l e t i c P r o g r amme Donation from Jockey Club The Management Committee of th e Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club has approved a grant of H K $ 1,500,000 to the University to meet the construction costs of the Sports Centre for the new campus at Shatin. The grant w i ll be made to the University as soon as building work on the project begins. The Sports Centre will be built on the solid ground west of the University Sports Field, a large flat area close to the railway. The Field will have sufficient space fo r three soccer pitches, a 400-metre track, and a number of tennis and basket ball courts. Ad Hoc Building Committee for Sports Centre and Sports Field I n order to expedite work on the project, an ad hoc committee has been set up to advis e the Vice-Chancellor on the lay-out, facilities and similar matters of the Sports Centre and the University Sports Field. Th e membership consists of: Chairman: M r . Duval S. Adams Members: Dr. L u Hui-Ching M r . Ng Sze-Kim M r . Joachim Poon M r . Wi l l i am H.C . Wan M r . Paul Y . Y . L am (Secretary) Prospects for Development of Physical Education A t present, only Chung Chi College has its own stadium and sports field; New Asia and United Colleges have very limited facilities. Despite the limitations, all three Colleges promote physical education and encourage student s to participate in various athletic activities. Now that the University w i ll have a Sports Centr e through the generous contribution made by the Jockey Club, and its own Sports Field at the new campus site, the scope of expansion of physical education can be distinctly envisaged. The base of all present projects and programmes w i ll be broadened and every effort w i ll be made to coordinate activities to ensure that the students receive all the privileges they can enjoy f r om the facilities.
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