Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 11 Jun 1967

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L U M E T H R E E • J U N E I 9 6 7 • N U M B E R E L E V E N CONTENTS Page New Courses in Electronics ........................... 1 Visitor to the New Campus Site ................... 1 Scholarships and Bursaries for Social Work Students................................... 2 C.K. Law Memorial Scholarships ........... 3 British Council Presentation of Books........... 3 Appointment of External Examiner ........... 3 Urban Family Life Survey ........................... 3 Farewell Luncheon........................................... 4 C U H K Representatives................................... 4 Administrative Chairmen Appointed ........... 4 Uniform College Calendars ........................... 4 New Buildings Officer ................................... 5 Comings and Goings ................................... 5 College Reports ........................................... 6 NEW COURSES IN ELECTRONICS To meet the urgent and increasing demand by the Hong Kong industries for personnel specially trained in electronics, United College w ill institute a minor course in Electronics w ith effect from the academic year 1967-68. Its existing Department o f Physics has been re-named Department of Physics and Elect­ ronics. Earlier this year, Professor A .L. Cullen, O.B.E., D.Sc. (Eng.), F .I.E .E ., Head of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the U n i versity of Sheffield and an authority in this field, was invited by the University to advise on the planning of electronic studies. The curriculum and syllabus of electronic courses at United College have been care fu lly drawn up w ith Professor Cullen's expert advice, and in consultation w ith leading local industrialists. The minor course in Electronics w ill be open to all Physics students of the University. A t a later stage, when additional equipment and facilities become available, the course may be opened to all Science students. Depending on the experience gained during the trien nium 1967-70, it is envisaged that a separate Department of Electronics may be established in the academic year 1970-71 to offer major courses in Electronics. A Readership in Electronics has been created by the University and assigned to United College to develop and coordinate Electronic studies. V IS ITOR TO THE NEW CAMPUS SITE The Hon. Michael A. Herries, Chairman of the University Grants Committee, paid a visit to the Uni versity's new campus site at Shatin on June 21. He was accompanied by Dr. C.M. L i, the Vice-Chancellor, and the Hon. Szeto Wai, the University Architect. The site of the University, covering an area of 273 acres, is located about half way between Shatin and Taipo in the New Territories. The future campus buildings w ill be so grouped that the three Colleges w ill be sited around a University Headquarters com plex, w ith New Asia College and United College to the north on higher level and Chung Chi College, at its present site, on lower ground to the south. Con sideration w ill be given to the Colleges' own individuali ty in architectural style while maintaining an overall harmony. The University Campus Planning Committee was appointed in 1964 under the Chairmanship of Dr. R.C. Lee. Terms of Reference of the Committee are (1) to deal w ith problems connected with the overall planning of the University site, (2) to examine building proposals of the Colleges in relation to the Master Development Plan of the University, and (3) to co ordinate building projects of the Colleges. Members of the Committee are:— M r. T.C. Cheng (Representing United College) M r. Q.W. Lee (Chairman of the University Finance Committee) M r. B.P. Schoyer (Representing New Asia College)