Annual Report 1994-95
Academic Development 學術發展 11 學術發展 Academi c Developmen t 本學年是大學教育資助委員會一九九二至九五撥款年度的最後一年,也是政府實施專 上教育擴展計劃的最後一年。年內本校學生人數增長至一萬一千九百六十八人,爲歷年之 最。一九九四至九五年度開始,校方統一收錄中七學生,爲他們提供可於三年內修畢的本 科課程。同年,三十一名首屆藥劑學本科生畢業,他們是本地訓練的第一批藥劑師,均已 爲本港有關機構錄取,作爲期一年的實習。 1994-95 was the last year of the 1992-95 f und i ng triennium, and also the last year of the massive expansion in tertiary education planned by the government since 1989. Total student enrolment at the University reached a record h i gh of 11,968. Beginning f r om 1994-95, first-degree students were admitted only after Secondary 7, for three years of study as a norm. I n the same year, the first batch of 31 pharmacy students graduated. They are the first graduates w h o received education and training in the subject locally and have all been successfully placed in one-year internships in related establishments i n H o n g Kong. 新設課程 N e w P r o g r a mm es o f S t u d i es 一九九四至九五年度,本校新設研究院及本科學位課程各六項: 文學士課程:翻譯 教育學士課程:小學教育(供本港教育學院畢業生修讀) 教育學士課程:體育運動科學 工程學士課程:機械與自動化工程學 理學士課程:環境科學 理學士課程:食品及營養科學 哲學碩士課程:工商管理 哲學碩士課程:體育運動科學 哲學碩士課程:社會工作 理學碩士課程:數學 理學碩士課程:物理 哲學博士課程:宗教研究 另校方擬於一九九五至九六年度增設十餘項學位課程,包括四年制護理學士課程和兩
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