The First Six Years 1963-69
and outstanding scholars from outside. A ll prin ting and business details w ill be handled by the Publications Office. During the past two years, operating services have been ren dered to the School o f Education , Lingnan Institute o f Business Administration, Asian Workshop on H igher Education, Economic Research Centre , Institute o f Chinese Studies, Hong Kong Econo mic Association, Appointments Service and the University Re gistry. In addition to its usual publishing activities, the Publications Office organized an exhibition o f American University Press publications in conjunction w ith the United States Information Service in A p ril 1968. I t also participated in the book exhibition o f the International Biennale o f Scientific Publications o f Universities and Academies o f Science, University o f Bologna, Ita ly , in September 1969. Publication does much to establish a young university. I t promptly establishes dialogue w ith other academic institutions o f the world and the public at large. Because the Publications Office has taken on the monumental task o f p rin ting and publishing the Chinese-English Dictionary o f Modern Usage , proposes to initia te and actualize major Translation/Publication Projects and has begun planning on several other projects , the establishment o f a Un iver sity Press has become a practical necessity and is under serious con sideration at present. Thus , events have caused the idea o f setting up a University Press to grow from a remote possibility to an im minent reality in a few short years. Aside from providing valuable operational facilities , the University Press w ill also stimulate and meet the needs o f more publications as the Graduate School and the research centres expand and develop more projects. L ib ra ry The heart o f a university is its library. No university can pro perly develop its academic and research programmes w ithou t pro viding an efficient lib ra ry that meets the demands o f its students and academic staff. In 1962 , before the founding o f the University, M r. J .D . P earson , L ibrarian o f the School o f Oriental and African Studies , University o f London , was invited to visit the three Foundation Colleges for the purpose o f determining the best course to follow in establishing the University L ibrary. He summarized his findings in a Report on Library Development in the Proposed Chinese University in Hong Kong, In 1964, Professor R.C. S w ank , Dean and Professor o f the School o f Librarianship at the University o f California , Berkeley 57
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