The First Six Years 1963-69
institutions and government departments participated , representing a cross-section o f the local community. The faculty for this Programme included many distinguished scholars from universities in America, Taiwan and Thailand. The Advanced Management Programme was designed mainly for executives at the top or divisional-management levels and had the following objectives: (1) to introduce fresh and helpful ways o f tackling business pro blems; (2) to discuss strategies for enterprise growth in Hong Kong; and (3) to broaden the understanding o f management problems. To achieve these objectives , various instructional methods were u tilized : lectures, speeches, seminars on ind ividua l and group problems, class discussions, case discussions , group presentations, business simulation , and readings. The innovative nature o f the Programme and the fact that it was applied to actual local enter prises are a good illustration o f the significant contributions L IB A can make to the needs o f Hong Kong. One o f the most valuable assets o f L IB A is its Advisory Board chaired by: The Hon. S. S. G ordon Senior Partner, Lowe, Bingham & Matthews , Chartered Accountants , and composed o f prominent local and overseas leaders and scholars, including M r. Yorke A llen , Jr. President o f the Board o f Trustees o f Lingnan University, New York. The task o f making L IB A the dynamic institute it is intended to be is greatly facilitated by having such a distinguished group o f advisers. ( I I I ) School o f Education The School o f Education was established in September 1965, in accordance w ith the recommendation o f the Fulton Commis sion. I t offers a one-year postgraduate course leading to a D iploma in Education. The Registrar o f the University was appointed to serve concurrently as Director, w ith the assistance in academic affairs o f visiting professors. For the academic year 1969/70 , D r. C. T. Hu, Professor o f Comparative Education at Teachers' College , Columbia University, is serving as V isiting Professor. In addition to the fu ll-time staff o f three lecturers, there are a number o f part-time lecturers from the University and the Government, including members o f the inspectorate o f the Education Depart ment. 53
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