The First Six Years 1963-69
Under graduate Programme After the establishment o f the University, Boards o f Faculties were set up to coordinate the activities o f the Boards o f Studies under the Senate. The Chinese University now has three Boards o f Faculties: Faculty o f Arts Faculty o f Commerce & Social Science Faculty o f Science and sixteen Boards o f Studies: Biology Chemistry Chinese Language and Literature Commerce Economics Electronics English Language and Literature Geography History Journalism Mathematics Philosophy and Fine Arts Physics Religious Knowledge and Music Social Work Sociology and one Committee on French , German, Japanese and Ita lian Studies. These Boards decide the curricula and set academic standards. In addition, they serve as the media for implementing new methods o f teaching. As early as March 1964, a Committee on Teaching Methods was appointed by the Vice-Chancellor to examine in detail the existing teaching system and to devise a workable programme which would incorporate in itself the best features o f various teaching systems that could be adopted to meet the needs o f The Chinese University. Great significance was at tached to the work o f the Committee and its members were advised tha t: “ Revision o f university teaching methods is o f great import. Such a study has never been attempted before in the universities o f Asia. The report o f the Committee w ill have a great deal to do w ith the course o f development o f this University". Altogether thirteen meetings o f the Committee were held and a report was submit ted in September 1964. 2 3
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