The First Six Years 1963-69
Prof. C . H . P h il ip s Director o f the School o f Oriental and African Studies, University o f London. Prof. Lien-sheng Y a n g Professor o f Chinese History, Harvard University, Board on Social Science and Business Administration Prof. Simon K uznet s Professor o f Economics, (Chairman) Harvard University. Sir Sydney C a in e Director o f the London School o f Economics and Political Science, University o f London. Prof. Carlo M . C ip o l l a Professor o f Economics, University o f Pavia. Prof. Franklin L. H o Professor Emeritus o f Economics, Columbia University. Prof. Kung-chuan H s iao Professor o f Political Science, University o f Washington. Prof. Seymour M . L ipse t Professor o f Government and Social Relations Harvard University. Prof. Ta-chung L iu Professor o f Economics, Cornell University. Prof. E rik L u n db e rg Professor o f Economics, University o f Stockholm. The Chinese University also relies on the services o f external examiners for undergraduate and postgraduate examinations. These examiners are professors from universities in Taiwan, U.S.A., U .K . , Canada and Singapore and play an important part in maintaining the standard o f the University degrees. A large num ber o f visiting professors from overseas also share in and enrich the educational work o f the University. The ir services are obtained through the many exchange programmes sponsored by govern ments, foundations and other institutions o f higher education. The extensive influence and the deep impact that these professors have been able to contribute toward creating the righ t academic atmo sphere in the instructional departments and research centres o f the University over the past 6 years can best be appreciated by a re view o f their names (see Appendices I V and V I). Staff Development Programme I t is apparent that the recruitment o f faculty on either a per manent or a visiting basis is not enough i f The Chinese University is also to serve as a cultural bridge between the East and the West. Corresponding steps have been taken since the establishment o f the University to send its own faculty abroad. A generous grant from 20
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