The First Six Years 1963-69
Advisory Bodies and V is iting Scholars W ith the organization streamlined , financial arrangements set up and a central site for a new campus secured , The Chinese University has an excellent opportunity to become a great univer sity in this part o f the world. No effort is being spared in achieving this objective. One o f the most effective measures toward this end is to enlist the help o f experts and specialists from all available sources. The Chinese University has benefited greatly from the advice o f a number o f eminent men in their fields on teaching methods, campus planning, the lib ra ry , extra-mural studies, courses in electronics, publications, examination system , and many other projects. Whether they are British, American or Chinese does not matter , as long as they are righ t for the special assignment. This is in line w ith the original concept and the international character o f The Chinese University. There are four prominent overseas educators serving on the University Council. In addition, three Advisory Boards on Academ ic Matters have been formed u tilizing the services o f overseas scholars, especially those o f Chinese descent w ith world renown, from the United K ingdom , the United States o f America , Sweden and Ita ly . Frequent use o f these Boards is made in deciding questions o f academic policy. The Chairmen o f these Boards in clude one Briton, one American and one Chinese: Board on Natural Sciences Prof. F. G . Y oung Professor o f Biochemistry , (Chairman) University o f Cambridge. Prof. Shiing-shen C h e r n Professor o f Mathematics, University o f California, Berkeley, Prof. Tsung-dao L ee Professor o f Physics, Columbia University. Nobel Laureate. Prof. Choh-hao L i Professor o f Biochemistry and Medical Science, Director o f Hormone Laboratory, University o f California , Berkeley. Prof. Saw-pak T ho ng Department Head and Professor o f Physics, University o f Malaya. Prof. Chien-shiung W u Professor o f Physics, Columbia University. Prof. Chen-ning Y a n g Professor o f Physics, State University o f New York. Nobel Laureate. Board on Humanities Prof. Yuen-ren C h a o Professor Emeritus o f Oriental Languages and (Chairman) Literature, University o f California, Berkeley. Prof. Fang-kuei L i Professor o f Linguistics, University o f Hawaii. 19
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