The First Six Years 1963-69
I t is especially challenging since these divergent streams must be bu ilt into a giant reservoir o f Chinese culture and Western learning that students may tap in preparing for service to the local community as well as the world o f learning at large. W ith Chung Chi College at Shatin, New Asia on the Kowloon Peninsula and United College on Hong Kong Island , the three Foundation Col leges are separated by distances ranging from five to fifteen miles over congested roads and the Hong Kong harbour. In itia lly , the Central Offices o f the University were located in leased quarters on Nathan Road in downtown Kowloon. I t was immediately appar ent that a means o f overcoming these geographical barriers must be found i f the components o f the University were to be effectively integrated , unnecessary duplication avoided and the three Founda tion Colleges made mutually complementary. While it is essential for the three Foundation Colleges to maintain their own ind iv i duality, the University must define its own character and chart its academic course. To postpone decisions on these basic matters and see how the pieces fall into place would be to allow the Un iver sity to grow w ithout direction or purpose. Name and Nature A burgeoning population inescapably presses for educational opportunity at all levels. The economic well-being o f a developing community is dependent upon higher education. In this modern technological age , a university education is no longer a luxury re stricted to a privileged few but rather a necessity for all aspiring individuals. The increasing demand in Hong Kong for a university education can be seen from the following statistics reflecting the number o f candidates who sat for the Hong Kong Certificate o f Education Examination over the last decade: No, o f candidates sat Year C.E.E. (English) C.E.C. (Chinese) 1959 3944 2 316 1960 1961 4491 2377 4 6 4 4 2334 1962 5181 22 8 4 1963 6 3 3 4 2732 2964 1964 8153 1965 1966 9675 6 9 9 0 * 13977 5854 1967 18792 6817 1968 25279 7560 1969 30947 8556 * In 1 965 many Chinese School Certificate participating schools weree operating both Senior M idd le I I I an d M iddle V . 4
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