Vice-Chancellor's Report 1985-87
GI FTS AN D DONAT I ON S 1985/86 — 1986/87 Appendix 1 0 Donor(s) Amount (i n HK $ unless othewise stated ) Particulars ART AN D ANTIQUE S Anonymous One Song/Ji n Cizho u typ e dis h with incise d flora l decorations. Bei Shan Tang Foundatio n 10,000 Contribution toward s th e Ar t Galler y Acquisitio n Fund fo r th e purchas e o f tw o piece s o f ceramic s for th e Art Galler y permanent collection . One piec e o f lat e Min g t o earl y Qin g rubbin g o f the Kong Zhou Stel e o f th e Ha n dynasty . Seven bronze seals, from Qin t o Jin dynasty . One old jade seal. Ewer wit h date d inscriptio n correspondin g t o 86 4 A.D.,Changsha war e o f Tan g dynasty . One larg e vas e with cove r painted with dragon s and clouds design, W. Ha n dynasty . One painted pottery bowl , Banshan type, Neolithic. Calligraphy b y L u Jian, fan, Qing dynasty . Calligraphy b y L u Jian , hangin g scroll , Qin g dynasty. Five bronze seals , Ha n dynasty . One gilt bronze seal and one silver seal, Jin dynasty . One silver seal, Qin dynasty . Nine bronze seals , from Han to Yua n dynasty . One painte d potter y ja r wit h tw o loop s o f Qiji a culture, Neolithic . Four ston e tools, Neolithic . Mr. Fon g Yun Wa h Old woode n figur e o f a n officia l wit h painte d decoration. Friends o f the Art Galler y 40,000 Contribution toward s th e Ar t Galler y Acquisitio n Fund. One pillo w wit h marble d patter n unde r yello w glaze, Henan Gongxia n ware, Tang dynasty. Mr. H e Xingcho u One ja r i n yellowis h gree n glaz e wit h fou r loops , Song dynasty . One dis h i n yellowis h gree n glaze , Su i t o Earl y Tang dynasty . Hok Ho i Librar y 50,000 Donation fo r publishin g painting s b y Guangdon g artists o f th e pas t i n cooperatio n wit h th e Ar t Gallery. Mr. H.C . H u 44 pieces of porcelain o f Ming an d Qing dynasty . 178
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