Vice-Chancellor's Report 1985-87

Polytechnic Grant s Committe e ha s mad e specia l provisio n fo r a n indicated research gran t t o the institutions , ye t th e suppor t remain s a t a very modes t level . T o maintain a hig h standar d o f teaching an d academic excellence , greate r attentio n an d mor e resource s w i l l hav e to be devote d t o enhancing researc h programme s a t the tertiar y institutions. Academi c Conference s and Exchang e During th e perio d unde r review , th e Universit y playe d hos t t o 1 8 international an d regiona l conferences/seminars , a n averag e o f almos t one ever y month . The y provide d a convenien t foru m fo r fre e exchang e of view s an d idea s betwee n distinguishe d scholar s fro m man y countrie s and region s includin g mainlan d Chin a an d Taiwan , o n a large variet y of subject s i n the area s o f socia l science , law , economi c development , Taoist music , Chines e painting , medica l an d biologica l sciences , an d librarianship. Thes e internationa l conference s hav e enriche d the academic experienc e an d broadene d th e perspectiv e o f our academi c staff. The y hav e als o serve d t o foste r bette r understandin g betwee n th e East an d th e West , focusin g o n topic s whic h ar e o f particula r relevanc e and importanc e t o development s i n Hon g Kon g an d China . The Universit y an d it s constituent College s als o enjo y clos e relationships an d maintai n rewardin g exchang e programme s w i t h numerous overseas universities , whic h includ e man y Commonwealt h universities as wel l a s th e Universit y o f California , Yal e Universit y an d Ne w York Universit y i n the Un i t e d States . W i t h th e suppor t o f various foreign government s an d cultura l agencies , th e Universit y ha s als o exchanged staf f an d student s w i t h institution s o f higher learnin g in France, Germany , Ital y an d Japan . The University' s tie s w i t h academi c institution s i n Ch i na hav e continued t o develop. Numerou s contact s w i t h an d visit s t o these institutions ar e mad e eac h yea r b y teacher s an d student s o f th e University. Through thes e exchang e arrangement s fiel d studie s i n disciplines such a s Anthropolog y an d Geograph y hav e bee n organize d w i t h th e assistance o f Chinese agencies . A s a consequenc e o f the exchang e activities i n recen t years , i t has bee n possibl e fo r severa l majo r international conferences t o b e organize d a t th e Universit y whic h examine d a wide spectru m o f subjects fro m bot h th e Chines e an d th e Wester n perspectives. Ne w subject s an d new dimension s i n teachin g an d researc h have emerge d a t the Universit y a s a result o f rapid socioeconomi c development o n the mainland . Throug h cooperatio n w i t h Chines e institutions, th e Universit y ha s launche d majo r researc h programme s o n the specia l economi c zones , Chines e laws , marketin g strategie s o n th e mainland, populatio n studie s an d economi c developmen t a t th e national level . I n Ma y 1986 , a delegatio n fro m th e Facult y o f Scienc e led b y Professo r Baysun g Hsu , Pro- Vice-Chancellor o f th e University , visited th e Academi a Sinic a i n Beijin g an d Shanghai , followin g whic h several long-ter m collaborativ e researc h project s hav e bee n initiate d w i th majo r fundin g suppor t fro m privat e foundations . Exchang e 8