Annual Report 2008–09
62 二零零八至零九年度學生人數* Student Enrolment 2008–09 全日制 Full-time 兼讀制 Part-time 本地生 Local 非本地生 Non-local 總人數 Total 教資會資助課程 UGC-funded Programmes 本科生 Undergraduates 10,986 13 9,810 1,189 10,999 (10,632) 研究生 Postgraduates 2,181 868 1,960 1,089 3,049 (3,317) 延伸課程及自負盈虧課程 Extension Programmes and Self-financed Programmes 本科生 Undergraduates 20 110 110 20 130 (60) 研究生 Postgraduates 1,132 6,304 6,082 1,354 7,436 (7,061) * 以二零零八年十二月三十一日計算 Figures as at 31 December 2008 ( ) 內為二零零七至零八年度數字 Indicating 2007–08 figures 學生人數 二零零八至零九年度,教資會資助課程的 本科生人數較上年度上升百分之三點五, 研究生人數減少了百分之八點一;延伸課 程及自負盈虧研究生課程人數則有百分之 五點三的增長。 以二零零八年十二月三十一日計算,教資 會資助課程的學生總人數為一萬四千零 四十八,其中百分之七十八點三為本科生, 百分之二十一點七為研究生;在延伸及自負 盈虧課程方面,有七千四百三十六名研究 生,一百三十名本科生。 Student Population In the year under review, the University registered an increase of 3.5% in undergraduate student enrolment, an 8.1% decrease in postgraduate student enrolment in UGC-funded programmes, and a 5.3% increase in postgraduate student enrolment in extension and self- financed programmes. As at 31 December 2008, the total enrolment figure of UGC-funded programmes stood at 14,048, of whom 78.3 % and 21.7% were undergraduate and postgraduate students respectively. On top of this, 7,436 postgraduate students and 130 undergraduate students were enrolled in extension and self-financed programmes. 蒙古生冀提升英語水平 Mongolia Student Hopes to Improve English 有蒙古族血統的鄭一丁,在內蒙市長大,小學畢業 後到北京升學。她在全國高考脫穎而出,考入中 大,渴望在此讀書提升英語水平,並計劃在暑假作 交換生,到外國交流。打算修讀經濟的她,認為香 港的金融經濟發展蓬勃,相信會有很多開闊眼界 的機會。 Born and raised in the city of Inner Mongolia, Zheng Yiding Ann moved to Beijing after graduating from primary school, and enrolled at CUHK with remarkable results in the national examination. Ann hopes to improve her English, and intends to join a summer exchange programme. She also hopes to major in economics as she believes the vibrant financial market in Hong Kong has much to teach her. 來自五湖四海的新生 Education Knows No Boundaries
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