Annual Report 2008–09
58 泰輝教授、工商管理學院黃德尊教授,以 及文學院熊秉真教授。另有三位全職學院 院長已經獲委聘並即將到任,包括教育學 院院長、社會科學院院長和理學院院長。 大學首度聘任的常務副校長亦將於二零零 九年十二月履新。這些新的領導層成員, 將協助大學擬訂策略、推行政策,穩健發 展。 在行政管理方面,大學於二零零九年一月 委任許敬文教授為副校長,專責行政事 務,並由二零零九年二月起委任黃乃正教 授為大學第五位副校長,負責督導研究發 展。大學又委任徐揚生教授及馮通教授為 協理副校長。此外,陸偉昌醫生履任為大 學保健處處長,服務母校。 教職員培訓及發展 大學一向鼓勵教職員持續進修,以應付社 會變遷帶來的工作新挑戰。二零零八至零 九年度,大學一如以往為教職員提供多項 培訓課程、進修計劃獎助學金、會議補助 金及進修津貼等等。此外,以下單位亦為 同事提供專門培訓的機會: the system of Faculty Deans by appointment, the University continued with its global recruitment to further strengthen its academic leadership. Extensive search efforts started to bear fruits in 2008–09 with four Deans appointed who took office on a full-time basis, namely, Prof. Mike McConville, Dean of Law; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Dean of Medicine; Prof. Wong Tak-jun, Dean of Business Administration; and Prof. Hsiung Ping-chen, Dean of Arts. Three more full-time Deans will take office soon afterwards, including Dean of Education, Dean of Social Science and Dean of Science. The University also appointed its first Provost. The strategic planning and implementation of the University’s developments in the coming years will be further buttressed by the leadership of the team. At the senior management level, Prof. Michael K.M. Hui was appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor in charge of administration in January 2009, and Prof. Henry N.C. Wong was made the University’s fifth Pro-Vice- Chancellor from February 2009, overseeing research development. During the year, Prof. Xu Yangsheng and Prof. Fung Tung were appointed Associate Pro- Vice-Chancellors of the University. Besides, the University Health Service also welcomed its new director, Dr. Luk Wai-cheong Scotty, who joined to serve his alma mater. 「在中大作四十一年,實是我 的福份和光榮。」 – 數學系研究教授吳恭孚 ‘It is my blessing and honour to have worked here for 41 years.’ – Prof. Ng Kung-fu, Research Professor, Department of Mathematics 香港中文大學不少教職員服務有年,一直堅守崗位,克盡己職。是年度,一百零八名中大教職員獲大學頒 發二十五年長期服務獎及新設的逾三十五年長期服務獎。 CUHK is privileged to have many loyal staff who have served it for a long time. A total of 108 staff members were presented the 2008 Long Service Award (25 years) and the new Long Service Award (over 35 years) for their decades of service to the University. 「在中大工作實教人愉快,我很榮幸曾任不同 工作崗位,見證大學發展。」 – 副校長楊綱凱教授 ‘It has been most enjoyable working at CUHK all these years, and a privilege to have worked in different roles, and witnessed how the University has grown.’ – Prof. Kenneth Young, Pro-Vice-Chancellor 珍視忠誠團隊 Loyalty Awarded 「服務中大 四十一年,一生 中只有一份工, 真是很幸福。這 裏同事關係相 當融洽,令人懷 念。」– 社會學講座教授李沛良 ‘I have worked for CUHK for 41 years and it is the only job in my life. I am happy about it. I cherish the close relationships amog colleagues.’ – Prof. Lee Pui-leung Rance, Professor of Sociology
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