Annual Report 2008–09

36 • 學院是年度積極籌備於二零零九至一零學年 以「生命科學組別」統一招生。「生命科學 組別」包括生物化學、生物、環境科學、食品 及營養科學、分子生物技術學,以及細胞及 分子生物學共六個課程。一年級生需修讀共 同科目,然後於該年完結前作出主修課程選 擇。 The Faculty adopted broad-based admissions for Life Sciences disciplines with effect from the 2009–10 academic year. Preparation work was carried out in the year under review. The six life sciences study programmes, viz. Biochemistry, Biology, Environmental Science, Food and Nutritional Sciences, Molecular Biotechnology, and Cell and Molecular Biology, admitted students under the new admissions scheme. Students take a common set of courses in the first year of study and then declare their preferred major by the end of the year. • 學院的 「S3 – 4科學英才精進計劃」獲優質 教育基金撥款港幣三百五十萬元,全面培訓 數理潛質優厚的學生,發展其多元智能。 計劃在二零零九年二月開展,為期十六個月, 完結時將推出一套初步甄別資優理科生的工 具集,以及一套教學資源,以協助中學老師推 行「學生為本」學習的課程。 The Quality Education Fund awarded HK$3.5 million to the Faculty for the ‘Science Enrichment Programme for S3–4 Students’. The 16-month project, designed to nurture students’ multiple intelligences 理學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Science 第五屆國際青年科學奧林匹克比賽代表隊 Representatives of the fifth IJSO and all-round development in sciences, commenced in February 2009. It will deliver a set of instruments of early identification of scientifically gifted students and a set of teaching and learning resources in science to enhance student-oriented learning in secondary schools. • 學院再次獲教育局委任,為參加第五屆國際 青年科學奧林匹克比賽的資優生提供密集訓 練,成績美滿,六名參賽學生於二零零八年 十二月的比賽中獲得兩銀三銅。 The Faculty was again commissioned by the Education Bureau to provide training for six gifted students to compete in the fifth International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) in December 2008. The event came to a fruitful conclusion with the students winning two silver and three bronze medals. 學院開發的教學資源 Learning resources developed by the Faculty